Análise de eficiência produtiva e do bem-estar dos consumidores no setor de distribuição energia elétrica dentro do novo modelo regulatório brasileiro

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Souza Júnior, Ary José Apolinário de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This thesis aims to evaluate the relationship between the variation of productive efficiency of Brazilian electricity distributors and the variation of welfare of consumers of their respective concession areas, within the new regulatory model. To do so, it uses the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), as part of the New Institutional Economics (NIE). The Theory of Regulation relies on two major currents: the one based on the Public Interest and the Capture Theory , the last one being deployed in the Principal-Agent Theory, Chicago School and in the conduct of the regulatory agencies. In sequence, it has the most common tariff regimes in the electricity sector, among them, service cost, price cap, marginal cost ( second best ) and by comparison. Right after, a compilation of the history of the Brazilian electric sector is made, one which punctuates its institutional development, until the current regulatory framework is reached. In the latter, the existing tariff adjustment procedures stand out: periodic tariff, tariff adjustment index and extraordinary tariff review. To calculate the productive efficiency we use the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) applied to the information of 45 distributors in 2005/2006 (1st cycle) and 2010 (2nd cycle). As for the welfare of consumers, the variables considered were the indices of quality of supply (DEC and FEC), besides ANEEL s satisfaction index. At last, there is an econometric test to assess the relationship between the variation of productive efficiency and the variation of welfare of consumers in the sector of electric power distribution between the 1st and 2nd cycles of the periodic tariff revision. Within the main results, we highlight the improvement of the productive efficiency and welfare of consumers between the cycles, the evolution of the total productivity factor and the lack of relationship between the productive efficiency and welfare of consumers based on the evaluated variables.
Productive efficiency , Welfare , Electrical Energy , Eficiência produtiva , Bem-estar , Energia elétrica