A educação de jovens e adultos no estado do Espírito Santo: uma análise construtiva e reflexiva do livro didático de Biologia

dc.contributor.advisor1Aoyama, Elisa Mitsuko
dc.contributor.authorMartinelli, Rogger
dc.contributor.referee1Prado, Gustavo Machado
dc.contributor.referee2Teixeira, Marcos da Cunha
dc.description.abstractIn order to contribute to the development of new perspectives and reflections on youth and adult Education (EJA), a survey was conducted on the trajectory of EJA in Brazil. Through the study, it was realized that the elaboration of public policies for education has always been tied to religious, political and economic interests. The education of youths and adults began with the arrival of the Jesuit priests in Brazil in the sixteenth century, who were responsible for the education and catechesis of the Amerindians in order to bring new believers to the Catholic Church. With the expulsion of the Jesuits from Brazil, the Brazilian state assumed the role of organizing and regulating education. Since then, an intense debate over the education of young people and adults has been held between various sectors of society for the establishment of a quality education capable of provide subsidies for the integral education of the students. It is noticed that the education of young people and adults has gained prominence in the debates around the elaboration of the laws that govern the Brazilian educational system, until becoming a teaching modality with the Law of Directives and Bases of the Brazilian Education (LDB, 9394/96). A long way has already been crossed, but the debate around the EJA should continue, drawing up specific public policies for this type of education, training teachers and developing teaching materials appropriate to the reality of the learners. Through the Sheet of Evaluation of the Student’s Textbook, made available by the Ministry of Education - MEC, the textbook of biology, available at the school, were analyzed. It has been found that the amount of books available at the school were not enough to attend all the students, and in several aspects, the books were inadequate to the reality of the subjects within the modality of youth and adult education. The research was conducted at the School of Primary and Secondary Education “Serra Sede”, with students from the EJA high school, in the night shift. The students answered a questionnaire demonstrating their perceptions about the textbook and its importance in the classroom. Through the research, we aimed to generate information that can contribute to the strengthening of the EJA in the state of Espírito Santo, which will be released through the publication of a book.and adult Education (EJA), a survey was conducted on the trajectory of EJA in Brazil. Through the study, it was realized that the elaboration of public policies for education has always been tied to religious, political and economic interests. The education of youths and adults began with the arrival of the Jesuit priests in Brazil in the sixteenth century, who were responsible for the education and catechesis of the Amerindians in order to bring new believers to the Catholic Church. With the expulsion of the Jesuits from Brazil, the Brazilian state assumed the role of organizing and regulating education. Since then, an intense debate over the education of young people and adults has been held between various sectors of society for the establishment of a quality education capable of provide subsidies for the integral education of the students. It is noticed that the education of young people and adults has gained prominence in the debates around the elaboration of the laws that govern the Brazilian educational system, until becoming a teaching modality with the Law of Directives and Bases of the Brazilian Education (LDB, 9394/96). A long way has already been crossed, but the debate around the EJA should continue, drawing up specific public policies for this type of education, training teachers and developing teaching materials appropriate to the reality of the learners. Through the Sheet of Evaluation of the Student’s Textbook, made available by the Ministry of Education - MEC, the textbook of biology, available at the school, were analyzed. It has been found that the amount of books available at the school were not enough to attend all the students, and in several aspects, the books were inadequate to the reality of the subjects within the modality of youth and adult education. The research was conducted at the School of Primary and Secondary Education “Serra Sede”, with students from the EJA high school, in the night shift. The students answered a questionnaire demonstrating their perceptions about the textbook and its importance in the classroom. Through the research, we aimed to generate information that can contribute to the strengthening of the EJA in the state of Espírito Santo, which will be released through the publication of a book.
dc.description.resumoCom o intuito de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novos olhares e reflexões sobre a Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), realizou-se um levantamento de dados sobre a trajetória da EJA no Brasil. Por meio do estudo percebeu-se que a elaboração de políticas públicas para a educação sempre esteve atrelada aos interesses religiosos, políticos e econômicos. A educação de jovens e adultos teve seu início com a chegada dos padres jesuítas no Brasil no século XVI, os quais foram responsáveis pela educação e catequese dos índios com o intuito de arrebanhar novos fieis para a igreja católica. Com a expulsão dos jesuítas do brasil, o estado brasileiro assumiu o papel de organizar e normatizar a educação. Desde então, um intenso debate em torno da Educação de Jovens e Adultos tem sido travado entre vários setores da sociedade para o estabelecimento de uma educação de qualidade que possa fornecer subsídios para a formação integral do educando. Percebe-se que a educação de Jovens e Adultos veio ganhando destaque nos debates em torno da elaboração das leis que regem o sistema educacional brasileiro, até se tornar modalidade de ensino na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Brasileira (LDB, 9394/96). Um longo caminho já foi percorrido, mas ainda é preciso continuar o debate em torno da EJA, elaborando políticas públicas específicas à essa modalidade de ensino, capacitando professores e desenvolvendo materiais didáticos adequados a realidade dos educandos. Por meio da Ficha de Avaliação do Livro didático disponibilizada pelo Ministério da Educação – MEC, foi realizada a análise do livro didático de biologia disponível na escola. Constatou-se que a quantidade de livros existentes na escola não é suficiente para atender a todos os estudantes, e em vários aspectos, o livro encontra-se inadequado a realidade dos sujeitos atendidos pela modalidade de Ensino de Jovens e Adultos. A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Serra Sede com estudantes da EJA ensino médio, no turno noturno. Os estudantes responderam a um questionário demonstrando suas percepções sobre o livro didático e sua importância na sala de aula. Através da pesquisa almejamos gerar informações que possam contribuir para o fortalecimento da EJA no estado do Espírito Santo, as quais serão divulgadas por meio da publicação de um livro.
dc.description.sponsorshipFundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo
dc.publisher.courseMestrado Profissional em Ensino de Biologia em Rede Nacional
dc.publisher.departmentCentro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Biologia em Rede Nacional
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectLivro didático
dc.subject.cnpqBiologia Geral
dc.titleA educação de jovens e adultos no estado do Espírito Santo: uma análise construtiva e reflexiva do livro didático de Biologia
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