A transição tecnológica rumo à economia de baixo carbono : o papel da energia solar fotovoltaica

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Feitosa, Paulo Henrique Assis
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Although the economic development model that has been in force since the Industrial Revolution has been responsible for improving quality of life in our societies, it resulted in an accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that is sufficient to cause global climate changes. In this setting, this dissertation aims at analyzing the role of Photovoltaic Solar Energy as one of the technological solutions that will allow the transformation of the current energy system. This analysis started from understanding the historical transformation that the sustainable development proposal has undergone since the introduction of the environmental issue in the economic research agenda. In this transition process, focusing on the imprisonment in the current system, some challenges to altering the technological course have emerged. Redirecting it based on the diffusion of photovoltaic technology requires a sectorial approach to the innovation system that could potentiate efforts in order to reduce production costs and increase energy efficiency. Analyzing these questions constitute a proposal for PV energy to assist in the global efforts to achieve a low carbon emission economy
Technological innovations , sustainable development , Alternative Energy Sources , Photovoltaic energy generation , Carbon emission market