Produção e compreensão da ironia: aproximações conceituais e empíricas entre a linguística e a análise do comportamento

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Messa, Luciana Chequer Saraiva
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In the study of irony by Behavior Analysis is indispensable the knowledge of Skinner´s theory about verbal behavior. Skinner cites irony as an example of verbal behavior without deepen its definition and explanation. The irony is an operant behavior and the explanation of its function depends on specific environment variables. The study of irony by Behavior Analysis demonstrate that the probability of a person emit irony can improve if part of audience already had released reinforcement to previous emissions and if the environment is similar to the environment that irony emitted was reinforced. The present dissertation proposes the execution of four studies, planed for their finding complement each other for the defense of the argument that ironic stimuli control different verbal behavior of comprehension and emotional behavior on the listener, according to their function of audience. The first study is a theoretical conceptual research. The proceed of treatment data analysis departed from methodological bases of a Behavior Analysis of Speech in part of Skinner´s speech in Verbal behavior. In a digitalized document of the book was realized searches of textual occurrences that contained the words irony, sarcasm and mockery, followed by interpretation of function of the author´s speech by self-observation of verbal behavior of this discourse. Were localized and analyzed six occurrences which Skinner impels his reader the comprehension of irony basically by the definition of two elements: multiple control and contrary tact. At the second study, looking for the contribution for a functional analysis of irony by Behavior Analysis, the objective was, from a systematic review, to map the variables (or variables indicators) that is being studied by empirical research about irony. Were realized searches on online data bases using the keywords: irony, verbal irony, sarcasm, multiple control, autoclitics, ironic and verbal behavior. The third study is empiric and had the objective to analyses the production of irony by ironical professional speakers that publish constantly products of their verbal behavior at sites and social media on the world wide web. Five producers of irony answered descriptive questions of functional elements of their ironical production (about, sex, politics and religion), in special consequences about listeners and feeling related to them. The fourth study is empirical too and the objective was analyses the comprehension of irony by listener, from the different types of audience, describing the emotional effects that it can produce on him. Were selected audiovisual scenes and four groups with three participants each was formed to answer questions about irony having as Sd the scenes. The conclusions of each study is that: the irony is a verbal behavior comprehended as a demonstration of real contrary facts and has the essential characteristic of multiple audience and the contrary tact; the production of irony has as principal motivation the critics; audiences with different characteristics presents different types of irony comprehension. Thereby, it is expected that the conceptual and empirical elements description contributes to a functional analysis of ironical verbal behavior and contributes to the enhancement of knowledge of this behavior and for the execution of experimental researches about the theme in Behavior Analysis.
Irony , Behavior analysis , Functional analysis , Análise funcional , Autoclitics , Autoclítico , Comprehension , Produção , Linguistics , Compreensão
MESSA, Luciana Chequer Saraiva. Produção e compreensão da ironia: aproximações conceituais e empíricas entre a linguística e a análise do comportamento. 2016. 160 f. Tese (Doutorado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2016.