Libertando o sonho da criação: um olhar psicológico sobre os jogos de interpretação de papéis (RPG)

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Miranda, Eduardo Silva
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Role Playing Games (RPG) had been constantly criticized or defended in many forms, several times without a scientific approach. These kind of games appear in the playful behaviors of many adolescents. With the increasing use of RPG on education and more researches been developed in the area, it makes necessary a psychological approach of the matter. To make this possible, this work relates the speech of some players with intrinsic aspects of the RPG dynamics. A view of the RPG characteristics could be done with these data, as well as a look on the relations that the subjects make with the game and its possible consequences. The data were grouped in categories after some questionnaires and interviews had been done. The final results show the way of being of a small group of players of Espirito Santo's state and allows a psychological analysis of the characteristics collected. It was possible to evaluate what is the place of RPG in the subjects routine, as well as specific characteristics of the game that are of special interests of Psychology.
Adolescence , Cognition , Human development , Role playing games , Symbolic games , Rules games , Desenvolvimento humano , Jogos de interpretação de papéis , Jogos de regras , Jogos simbólicos
MIRANDA, Eduardo Silva. Libertando o sonho da criação: um olhar psicológico sobre os jogos de interpretação de papéis (RPG). 2005. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2005.