Uso de Bloqueador de Receptor de Angiotensina-valsartan em Cães Com Degeneração Valvar Mixomatosa

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Chamelete, Marcelo Oliveira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Of canine heart disease, mitral endocardiosis is the most prevalente in routine clinical care. It is know that this disease has a chronic and incurable progressive course, whose therapeutic control depends, mainly, on the inhibition of ativation of compensatory neuroendocrine system. The severety of the disease and individual factors, will guide which is the best strategy treatment. The angiotensin converting enzime (ACE) inhibitors are the first choice drugs to combat the clinical signs of heart failure in humans and dogs. Although efficient and safe, it is know that ACE inhibitors monotherapy do not block completly the activation of deleterious compensatory mecanisms that starts in heart failure. Therefore, a heavier block of this ativation hás been used in humans with heart failure, with angiotensin receptors blockers (ARBS). There are many studies demonstrating the benefits of use of BRAS in humans with heart failures, but in dogs the research is still scarce. In this work the autors aims reviewed the endocardioses mitral and its standart treatmetn, as well as reviewing the use of the BRAS. It also aims to research and evaluate the effects of the valsartan (ARB) uses in 20 weeks on dogs with mitral endocardiosis. Were obtainer clinical, eletrocardiographic, chocardiographic, and laboratorial data, before the introduction of valsartan (0,5 mg/kg, 24/24h), and every four weeks until completing 20 weeks. It may be noted that the Ae/Ao relation at no time was freater than 1.7, despite the constatn remodeling, with no significant difference between the initial and final time. The systolic volume índex increased in M3 but returned to the statistally equal value to the star. Arterial systemic blood pressure did not change. There was no changes in hematological values, but hepatic enzymes suggested overload liver function. The absence of side effects and maintenance of clinical, eletrocadiographic, echocardiographic tha are important to a good prognostico f heart failure of mitral endocardiosis shows tha valsartan may be an effective and safe option.
Cães , cardiopatia , degeneração mixomatosa , doença valvular
CHAMELETE, M. O., Uso de Bloqueador de Receptor de Angiotensina-valsartan em Cães Com Degeneração Valvar Mixomatosa