Mestrado em Ciências Veterinárias
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2008
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (PORTARIA 609 de 14 de março de 2019) Publicado no D.O.U - 18/03/2019
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Ciências Veterinárias
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Submissões Recentes
- ItemPrincipais lesões anatomopatológicas em órgãos de bovinos condenados em matadouro frigorífico no sul do estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-04-25) Assis, Amanda Azevedo; Boeloni, Jankerle Neves;;;;; Martins, Isabella Vilhena Freire;;; Baeta, Silvia de Araujo Franca;; objective of the present study was to identify the main anatomopathological lesions in organs of condemned cattle during the post mortem inspection in a slaughterhouse in the south of the state of Espírito Santo, from March to June 2022. A total of 496 samples were collected from 1512 slaughtered animals, with the liver being the organ that presented the highest number of lesions. The main cause of condemnation was fasciolosis with 49.80% (n=247), followed by tuberculosis with 18.75% (n=93), telangiectasia in 16.33% (n=81), renal cyst in 8.06 % (n=40), liver abscess in 3.63% (n=18) and cysticercosis in 3.43% (n=17). Macroscopically, in cases of fascioliasis, white areas predominated, sometimes firm, sometimes creaking when cut in 63 (25.50%) livers; in cases of tuberculosis, multifocal granulomas predominated in lymph nodes (33/36; 91.66%), lungs (15/20; 75.00%), and liver (5/17; 29.41%); in cases of telangiectasia, the lesions were red to blackish areas in 60 (74.07%) of the livers; in the cases of renal cysts, the kidneys presented multifocal cysts in 40 (100%) and pallor in 32 (80.00%); in cases of liver abscesses, 100% (n=18) of the livers had this lesion; and in the cases of cysticercosis, viable cysts were observed in the masseter muscle (7; 41.17%) and tongue (1; 5.88%) and calcified cysts in the heart, kidney, liver and lymph node, all with 5.88%. The cases of fascioliasis, telangiectasia, renal cyst, liver abscess and cysticercosis, observed on macroscopy, were confirmed on microscopy; cases of tuberculosis observed in lymph nodes, lungs and liver on macroscopy were also confirmed on microscopy, however, cases on kidneys and spleen were not confirmed on microscopy. It was concluded that the main cause of organ condemnation was fasciolosis, followed by tuberculosis, telangiectasia, renal cyst, liver abscess and cysticercosis; the most condemned organ was the liver, with a predominant macroscopic lesion of white areas, sometimes firm, sometimes creaky when cut, and the most frequent microscopic alteration was degeneration of hepatocytes.
- ItemEfeitos fisiológicos e antinociceptivos da administração epidural de morfina e fentanil em equinos conscientes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-17) Damaceno, Andressa Brito; Trivilin, Leonardo Oliveira;;;;; Rego, Rafael Otaviano do;;; Silva, Maria Aparecida da;;; Silva, José Ricardo Barboza;; analgesia with opioids in horses has excellent antinociceptive action, but is not widely used in hypiatrics due to their adverse effects. The objective was to compare the physiological and antinociceptive effects of morphine and fentanyl, isolated or co-administered, by epidural injection in conscious horses. Five healthy horses, submitted to epidural catheterization, were used. Each animal received morphine (0.1 mg/Kg), fentanyl (2 μg/Kg) and a combination of morphine (0.15 mg/Kg) and fentanyl (1 μg/Kg). The parameters evaluated at T0 (baseline) and at 15` (T025), 1h (T1), 4h (T4), 12h (T12) and 20h (T20) were: heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR), intestinal motility, rectal temperature (RT), sedation, behavior, ataxia and antinociception scores against thermal (cold and hot) and mechanical stimuli, in ischial and coxal tuberosities, and lumbar, tibial and thoracic regions. There was no significant change in HR and RT (p>0.05). Fentanyl increased the RR at T20 compared to T0 (0<0.05). At right dorsal quadrant, morphine alone and association reduced ileocecal discharge at T025 and T1 (p<0.05). At left dorsal quadrant, the association differed between the drugs alone at T1, and morphine alone and in combination reduced motility compared to T0 at T025 and T1 (p<0.05). At right ventral quadrant, the association reduced intestinal motility at T025 and T1, and morphine increased it at T12 compared to T0 (p<0.05). At left ventral quadrant, coadministration reduced intestinal motility compared to other drugs, and in relation to T0, morphine reduced in T025, T1 and T4; and coadministration at T025 and T1 (p<0.05). There was mild sedation at T1 when morphine alone and combination were used (p<0.05). Ataxia increased in relation to T0 at T025, T1 and T4 in all treatments and morphine alone at T12 (p<0.05), differing between groups at T025 at association (p<0.05). Antinociception increased mainly on the interval between T1 and T4, which the cold stimulus promoted higher antinociceptive scores in sciatic, coxal and lumbar dermatomes; under hot stimulus all dermatomes detached; on the other hand, mechanical antinociception was better observed in the coxal and lumbar dermatomes (p<0.05). It was concluded that fentanyl showed less physiological effects, morphine had more potent antinociceptive effects in the first 12 hours and the association showed inter.
- ItemSuplementação com doses crescentes de selênio associado à vitamina E no tratamento de bovinos com hematúria enzoótica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-10) Moreira Júnior, Carlos Alberto; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho;;;;; Almeida, Marco Túlio Costa;;; Guerson, Yuri Barbosa;; bovine hematuria (EBH) is a clinical form of poisoning in cattle caused by the consumption of Pteridium sp. (bracken fern). This disease has a high prevalence in the south of the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil and has no treatment. However, supplementation using selenium (Se) and vitamin E has been shown to be viable. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of supplementation with increasing doses of selenium associated with vitamin E in cattle with enzootic hematuria, as well as to compare selenium levels in whole blood and blood serum and to evaluate the relative activity of the monoamine enzyme oxidase (MAO) in the serum of these animals. For this, 51 whole blood samples and 68 serum samples from 18 cattle with a clinical form of EBH were analyzed.The experimental design was a completely randomized design, with four groups distributed, namely: control group (saline solution), treatment group 1 (0.05 mg/Kg of Se), treatment group 2 (0.10 mg/kg of Se) and treatment group 3 (0.20 mg/Kg of Se), all groups received 500mg/animal of vitamin E in association. Parenteral supplementation was performed intramuscularly for 13 weeks. Biweekly evaluations were performed regarding the intensity of hematuria and weight gain, hematocrit, total plasma proteins (TPP), plasma fibrinogen, Se and relative MAO activity. For statistical analysis were used Kruskal Wallis and Friedman tests with a significance level of 5%, both followed by Dunn's multiple comparison test. It was found that there was no significant difference in weight between the different groups, but there was a reduction in weight over time in the control group. However, there was a significant difference in the intensity of hematuria in the treatment group 1 in relation to the control group after three weeks of supplementation, though, there was no significant difference in the intensity of hematuria over time. There was a significant increase in hematocrit in the treatment group 1 compared to the control group after seven weeks of supplementation, but there was no difference over time in each treatment. For PPT and Fb, no significant differences were observed either between treatments or in relation to time. Se levels were higher in treatment group 1, reaching the highest concentration at serum M8. Relative MAO activity did not differ between groups, but showed a significant reduction over time in each treatment. The supplementation of dairy cattle affected by EBH, using a dose of 0.05 mg/kg selenium associated with vitamin E, improved the clinical sign of hematuria and increased the hematocrit of the animals after three and seven weeks of supplementation, respectively. Serum proved to be the best place to measure Se and there was an increase in the concentration of this element in the eighth week of supplementation. In addition, there was a reduction in MAO activity that can be attributed to vitamin E supplementation, with no influence of different doses of Se.
- ItemBiologia reprodutiva do camarão sete-barbas Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) capturado no litoral Sul do Espírito Santo, Brasil.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-10) Santos, Amanda Soares dos; Silva, Maria Aparecida da;;;;; Trivilin, Leonardo Oliveira;;; Cardoso, Leonardo Demier;; have been prominent in the diet due the great demand of consumers who are committed to variety and health improvement through nutrition and food. Regarding the crustacean’s production, the seabob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) can be found in all coastal states and is one of the most captured species in the country. In the state of Espírito Santo, the capture of this fishing resource represents more than 90% of the shrimp fishery, however, studies about the dynamics reproduction with macroscopic and microscopic analyzes to guide an adequate closed season are scarce. The objective of the present study is to characterize the gonadal development stage associating macroscopic and microscopic analyzes of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri ovaries captured on the southern coast of Espírito Santo and to present their reproductive dynamics, in order to provide information for the elaboration of recommendations for sustainable fishing of this species of great economic importance for Brazilian fisheries, especially for the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. To this end, monthly trawls have been performed from March 2019 to February 2020 in Espírito Santo’s coast, at the cities of Anchieta, Piúma and Itapemirim. After sampling, the specimens were added to plastic bags and stored in a cooler with ice for transport. In the laboratory, still fresh, the seabob shrimp’s specie were identified and separated, as to sex, based on the external structure, and the total length (CT), cephalothorax length (CL) and total wet weight (W) were measured. An average of 304 shrimp were randomly sampled macroscopically each month. The females were classified according to the macroscopic maturation stage from the observation of the morphology of the ovaries through the shrimp carapace, as well as the color of the ovaries. For the histological analysis of the females, a monthly subsample of approximately 20 females of the total number of females sampled macroscopically was used. In total, 3.658 specimens of X. kroyeri were collected during the twelve months of sampling. Of this total, 1.831 were females (50,05%) and 1.827 were males (49,95%). There was no significant difference in the sex ratio 1:1 (female:male) of shrimps collected. The females stood out in a greater range of lengths and weight than the male specimens. In the ovaries macroscopic analysis, five maturation stages were found: immature, in initial maturation, in advanced maturation, mature and spawned. The presence of mature females was observed in all collection months. A greater number of mature females appeared in the months of May and July. April was the month that indicated a recruitment season for the species. The rainfall had a significantly correlated with mature females. The mean size at first gonadal maturation (CL50) of females was estimated at 1.7 cm. Based on the results, the current closed season of X. kroyeri does not meet the reproduction and recruitment stages on the south coast of Espírito Santo.
- ItemIngredientes alternativos à farinha de peixe na formulação de dietas para carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-15) Ferreira, Iara Evelim da Silva; Mendonca, Pedro Pierro;;;;; Junior, Jose Geraldo de Vargas;;; Cardoso, Leonardo Demier;;