Mestrado em Ciências Veterinárias
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Ano de início: 2008
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- ItemAvaliação histopatológica e imunoistoquímica de fígados de bovinos cronicamente infectados por Fasciola hepatica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-02-10) Trivilin, Leonardo Oliveira; Martins, Isabella Vilhena Freire; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho; Pereira Júnior, Olavo dos Santos; Sequeira, Teresa Cristina Goulart de Oliveira
- ItemEfeitos da eletroacupuntura, aquapuntura e farmacopuntura em cadelas anestesiadas com isofluorano e submetidas a ovariohisterectomia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-02-22) Taffarel, Marilda Onghero; Freitas, Patrícia Maria Coletto; Luz, Marcelo Rezende; Antunes, FernandaPain is a protective answer of the organism to harmful impulses, which results in undesirable effects when not controlled. Analgesia can be achieved by utilizing several drugs that may cause adverse effects, according to the patient’s species and physical condition. Acupuncture has been an efficient co-analgesic, as it reduces the amount of drugs utilized to control the pain, without adverse effects. Therefore, we assessed the effects of electroacupuncture, acquapuncture, and pharmacopuncture with morphine in the TA5 and VB41 acupoints, with regards to cardiorespiratory parameters, consumption of isoflurane and analgesia in the immediate postoperation of dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. 24 animals were utilized, equally and randomly distributed into four groups (GDest, GMorf, GElet, and GC). Those were anesthetized with acepromazine, propofol, and isoflurane. After the anesthetic plan stabilization, the GDest group animals received 0.5ml of distilled water in each acupoint, the GMorf group animals received morphine in the 0.1mg/kg dose (total dose per animal) diluted in distilled water, whenever required, until reaching the 0.5ml volume in each point, the GElet group animals received impulses by electroacupuncture, and the GC group animals received acupuncture in Sham points. Acupuncture was performed bilaterally In all groups. The GC group animals received 2.0mg/kg of tramadol after surgical procedure completion and before starting the post-operation assessment. The following variables were assessed during trans surgery: Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, average blood pressure, blood glucose, oxyhemoglobin saturation, volume of inspired isoflurane vapor, and electrocardiography. The following physiological variables were assessed in postsurgery: Heart and respiratory rates, rectal temperature, and blood glucose. The post-surgery pain assessment was performed by three observers, utilizing the Numerical Analog Scale (Escala de Analogia Numérica (EAN)) and the Melbourne University Pain Scale (Escala de Dor da Universidade de Melbourne). The pain assessment, initiated after animal extubation, was performed during two hours, with 15-minute intervals. There was no static difference among the groups in all trans surgery studied variables, however, the reduction of inspired isoflurane vapor volume of 5.08%, 10.84%, and 25.42% was noticed for the GDest, GMorf, and GElet groups, when compared to the GC group. In the post-surgery, there was no static difference among the groups for all variables. The obtained results demonstrate that electroacupuncture at TA5 and VB41 points, is superior to acquapuncture and pharmacopuncture with morphine in the reduction of inspired isoflurane volume and heart stability, during trans surgery. In immediate post-surgery, the studied techniques result in analgesia similar to tramadol.
- ItemEstudo epidemiológico da Fasciola hepática em ovinos, caprinos e bubalinos em municípios da região Sul do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-03-11) Carneiro, Milena Batista; Donatele, Dirlei Molinari; Martins, Isabella Vilhena Freire; Pereira Júnior, Olavo dos Santos; Scott, Fabio BarbourThe fasciolosis has become a serious economic problem for producers in the southern of Espírito Santoand possibly to the full extent of the territorial state, with a view to possible contamination of cattle herds, sheep, goats and buffaloes for the transport of infected animals and the presence of intermediate host in different river basins in the region. The objective of this project was to conduct an epidemiological study of fascioliasis in sheep, goats and buffaloes in municipalities in southern Espírito Santo. Were collected 424 fecal samples of sheep, 349 of goats and 42 of buffaloes. A total of 58 (13.68%) samples of sheep, 76 (21.78%) samples of goats and 10 (23.81%) samples of buffaloes were positive for eggs of Fasciola hepatica. It was found that there was no association between the presence of positive animals in the presence of wetlands, with the presence of positive calves or the presence of animals confined. Only there was no association between positive property with the presence of previous cases of fascioliasis in the properties studied.
- ItemDistribuição e Fatores Associados à Infecção Por Fasciola hepatica em Bovinos em Municípios do Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo no Período de 2008/2009.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-04-23) Alves, Danielle Porcari; Martins, Isabella Vilhena Freire; Pereira Júnior, Olavo dos Santos; Pereira, Maria Julia SalimThe fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease with high po tential to cause great economic losses in several animal species that compromises t he liver and bile ducts of the same. In the southern state of Espírito Santo is be coming an endemic disease due to climate conducive to maintaining the life cycle of Fasciola hepatica and the high conviction rate of liver parasites in slaughterhous e region. The objective of this study to evaluate the distribution and factors associated with infection by Fasciola hepatica in cattle in 10 municipalities in the southern stat e of Espírito Santo, in the period 2008 to 2009. We collected stool samples from 10% of cat tle from each property were referred to the Parasitology Laboratory of the Cent er for Agricultural Sciences (CCA), Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) to perf orm the technique described by parasitological sedimentation Foreyt (2005) to dete ct eggs of Fasciola hepatica . The properties were selected for convenience, five prop erties in the county by 10 cities studied, totaling 50 properties. In each property w as held a technical interview with the head, which was based on variables, to ascertai n: the presence of wetland, the presence of other definitive hosts, the presence of previous cases of fasciolosis and the presence of observation of mollusk. The geograp hical position was defined with the aid of GPS in each property being transferred t o maps using the computer program TrackMaker GPS. The associations between va riables were evaluated by chi-square (X2) using the EPI INFO 2002. Of the tot al 717 samples 153 (21.33%) were positive for eggs of Fasciola hepatica in 32 (64%) farms with infected animals. Of the 50 farms studied, 32 (64%) showed positive a nimals for fasciolosis and 18 (36%) did not. After statistical analysis it was ob served that there was only association between variables, presence of wetlands and other definitive hosts, with properties positive for bovine fasciolosis. Conside ring the results of this study, we can conclude that the bovine fascioliasis is a dise ase in expanding in the southern state of Espírito Santo.
- ItemPlacas ósseas corticais bovina: avaliações mecânicas e microbiológica após conservação em diferentes meios(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-04-30) Melo Filho, Edson Vilela de; Freitas, Patricia Maria Coletto; Costa, Fabiano Séllos; Melo, Eliane Gonçalves deThe objective of this study was to evaluate the mechanical strength of bone plates yielded from bovine cortical bone, conserved in different solutions, and the efficiency of these solutions in the inhibition of microorganism s growth. 168 plates yielded from bovine tibiae were conserved in 98% glycerin (n=28), 150% saline solution (n=28), 300% sugar solution (n=28), Dakin solution (n=28), frozen in LN2 at - 196°C (n=28), or sterilized in ethylene oxide gas (n=28). After rehydratated in NaCl 0.9% solution for six hours, plates were subjected to tensile, compression, bending and twisting testing. Bone plates microbiological evaluation was carried out before and immediately after rehydratation, with or without enrofloxacin 0.5% addition. There was no significant difference (P<0.01) on resistance to the rupture point in plates conserved in the different solutions, frozen-thawed or sterilized. Microorganisms were isolated from plates conserved in satured salt solution, sugar satured solution, Dakin solution or frozen in LN2, before and after rehydratation. However, after the use of NaCl 0.9% solution added enrofloxacin 0.5%, microorganisms were not isolated. Therefore, bovine bone plates conserved in sugar or salt satured solution, 98% glycerin, Dakin solution, frozen in LN2 or sterilized in ethylene oxide gas present similar biomechanical tests results, and NaCl 0.9% solution added enrofloxacin 0.5% rehydratation inhibits microbial growth
- ItemHematúria enzoótica bovina : detecção do papilomavírus tipo 2 pela técnica de Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase PCR(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-08-13) Dias, Jacques Douglas Coimbra; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho; Pereira Júnior, Olavo dos Santos; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho; Souza, Gustavo Henrique Bianco deThe bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH) is a disease of worldwide occurrence and presents a varied prevalence in endemic areas, which can reach 90% in animals older than two years. The technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed and standardized for the detection of bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2). This technique was based on enzymatic amplification of a fragment of 386 bp highly conserved gene. Infection with bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2) has also been implicated in the etiology of this disease. The objective of this study make a macroscopic lesions of bovine bladder and the presence of human papillomavirus type 2 by the technique of polymerase chain reaction - PCR. For this 50 bladders were collected from cattle with gross lesions, each being divided into four quadrants, referenced in the body for cuts such as A, B, C and D, for histopathologic evaluation. The characterization included the definition of macroscopic types of lesions: focal or diffuse hemorrhages, lesions or verrucous hemangiomas ulcerated lesions, among others. Histopathologic analysis showed five samples positive for cancer (2.5%). The method of polymerase chain reaction, all samples were considered malignant and showed the bovine papillomavirus type 2. The presence of bovine papillomavirus type 2 in neoplastic lesions of the urinary bladder of cattle, confirmed by PCR indicates that this virus may be directly involved in the pathogenesis of bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH) in association with the consumption of the fern, and one plant endemic in the region
- ItemIndução da luteólise em vacas superovuladas : aspectos endócrinos e ultrassonográficos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-08-16) Vargas, Márcio Sérgio Bissoli; Viana, João Henrique Moreira; Luz, Marcelo Rezende; Palhão, Miller PereiraThe objectives of this study were to compare the efficiency of luteolysis induction at different times after embryo flushing and to evaluate corpora lutea morphological and functional regression in superovulated and non-superovulated animals. In the first study, we evaluated the moment of luteolysis induction (day embryo flushing – D7 or three days later – 10). Holstein cows (N = 40) were superovulated with 400 IU of FSH (Pluset®) in decreasing doses, and after embryo flushing were randomly allocated into two groups which received 0.5 mg IM cloprostenol of PGF2a analogous (Ciosin®) on D7 or D10, respectively. The luteolysis was monitored by plasmatic progesterone, measured by solid phase radioimmunoassay, and the values were compared by analysis of variance. In cows treated at D10 was reduction in the concentration of Progesterone (P<0.05). In the group treated at D7, a portion of the animals shored no reduction in plasma concentration of progesterone to values below 1 ng/mL (P<0.05). In experiment 2 we assessed the morphological and functional luteolysis in superovulated donors. Holstein cows (n = 03) and Brahman (n = 03) (Treated Group - GT) were superovulated by application of 400 IU of FSH (Pluset®) in decreasing doses, and three days after collection of embryos (D10) received an application of 0.5 mg cloprostenol IM (Ciosin®). Crossbred cows (control group - CG) (N = 8) were synchronized and received the luteolytic agent at the same moment of the cycle (D10). The luteolysis was monitored in samples of plasma progesterone and LH, and ultrasound for monitoring of luteal regression with ultra-sonography equipment (Aquila Vet®) using a 8.0 MHz probe. The values obtained from progesterone and LH concentration, average size of CLs and total luteal area were evaluated by analysis of variance and differences between means compared by Tukey test (P<0.05). The concentration of progesterone in both groups decreased to values below 1ng/mL (P<0.05). LH concentrations showed elevated values in plasmatic concentration in both groups. The medium luteal size and luteal total area were reduced indicating morphological luteolysis. We conclude that: the induction of luteolysis is most effective when luteolytic application is performed on D10; the pattern of morphological and functional regression in induced luteolysis in superovulated animals is similar to animals non-superovulated; the higher volume of luteal tissue and the resulting high concentrations of P4 may delay the resumption of the pattern of LH release and expression of estrus.
- ItemMalacologia dos gêneros Lymnaea e Biomphalaria na mesoregião sul espírito-santense, e avaliação de extratos de Melia Azadirachta indica e Cymbopogon winterianus como agentes moluscicidas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-08-27) Almeida, Bethânia Ribeiro de; Martins, Isabella Vilhena Freire; Pereira Júnior, Olavo dos Santos; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho; Bastos, Jairo KenuppMollusks of the genders Biomphalaria and Lymnaea have great medical importance as intermediate hosts of the parasites Schistosoma mansoni and Fasciola hepatic. In this study, the occurrence of these mollusks was evaluated in 14 counties located in the catchments of the following rivers: Itapemirim, Itabapoana and Benevente in Southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil. The species B. tenagophila e L. columella were found in all counties assessed. Furthermore, the tolerance of these mollusks to molluscicides and their low selectivity raises concerns and show the importance of finding new vegetable biodegradable substances to control these mollusks. This study assessed the use of vegetable extracts originated from Melia azedarach var azedarach, Azadirachta indica A. Juss, and Cymbopogon winterianus as natural molluscicides. Hidroalcoholic, ethyl acetate and hexane crude extracts, obtained from leaves of plants, such as chinaberry, neem and citronella, were tested as molluscicides against Lymnaea columella, which is the intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica. The low concentration extracts of neem, citronella and chinaberry diluted in ethanol, ethyl acetate and hexane shown to be effective in controlling snails and inhibiting the oviposition of shellfish, preventing its reproduction, and, therefore, the spread of these parasitic diseases.
- ItemAferição do perfil metabólico em dois grupos genéticos de vacas primíparas holandês x gir em dois períodos da lactação no período da seca nos trópicos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-08-30) Bolzan, Raphael Pires; Stradiotti Júnior, Deolindo; Pereira Júnior, Olavo dos Santos; Clipes, Renata CogoAferição do perfil metabólico em dois grupos genéticos de vacas primíparas holandês x gir em dois períodos da lactação no período da seca nos trópicos
- ItemPerfil metabólico energético em dois grupos genéticos de Vacas holandês x Gir de segunda ordem de parição, em dois períodos da lactação, na época da seca, nos trópicos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-08-30) Penna Júnior, César Otaviano; Stradiotti Júnior, Deolindo; Porfírio, Lenir Cardoso; Pereira Júnior, Olavo dos SantosThe cross-breeding derived from specialized milk producing European breeds with zebu breeds that are adapted to tropical conditions form the basis of the majority of Brazil s milk producing systems. However, researches regarding the metabolic profile (MP) for bovine dairy cows focus on pure breeds coming mostly from temperate to subtropical regions. Therefore, the behaviour of the hematobiochemical components indicators on the energy metabolism in second calving rate order ½ and ¾ Holstein x Gir (HG) dairy cows, in two stages of lactation, became the object of the evaluation, as well as to determine its relationship with body condition (BCS) and milk production during the dry season in tropical environment. The experiment was conducted at Santa Luzia Farm, located in Minas Gerais - Brazil. This study used data collected in the months of May and August 2009 from 37 ½ HG cows and 35 ¾ HG cows. By our definition studies were focused on two lactation periods, the first being from 28 to 60 days (P1 lactation) and the second from 110 to130 days (P2 of lactation). The cows received complete feed in the trough. The biochemical indicators of the metabolic energy profile were analyzed through the beta-hydroxybutyrate (ßHB), cholesterol and the enzyme Aspartate transaminase (AST) quantifications. The metabolite average values, with their standard errors, analyzed by Student test, were established for both blood degrees, in their respective lactation periods. Given the scarcity of information on reference values for the genetic group investigated in this study, reference values were methodically sought from studies using larger number of variables equal to the present study. There were statistical differences between the periods for ßHB, milk production and BCS, whereas the other parameters did not differ for cows ½ and ¾ HG. There were statistical differences between the periods in ßHB, milk production and BCS, whereas the other parameters did not differ for ½ and ¾ HG cows. Between blood degrees, the statistical differences occurred within each period concerning the ßHB and milk production parameters and no other differences occurred in relation to the remaining parameters. Having obtained the results and taking the conditions to which the animals were exposed in this study into consideration, we have concluded that the genetic groups were effective in sustaining their respective levels of milk production without experiencing complications of metabolic order. We suggest such studies to be continuated as to equate Reference Values
- ItemEletroacupuntura em coelhos submetidos à hipovolemia aguda : avaliação eletrocardiográfica, cardiovascular e microscópica dos sistemas nervoso central e renal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-09-09) Salgado, Ana Elisa Pato; Freitas, Patrícia Maria Coletto; Luz, Marcelo Rezende; Porfírio, Lenir Cardoso; Conceição, Elaine Dione Vênega daThe effects of the electroacunpuncture of the acupoint Pc6 (Neiguan) and hipertonic saline solution of 7,5% over the electrocardiographic, cardiovascular and microscopic parameters of the CNS and kidneys in rabbits subdued to anesthetics by isofluorane and severe hypovolemia have been evaluated. 24 animals, distributed equally in four groups were used (GH, GE, GS and GC). After stabilization of the anesthetic plan, hypovolemia was induced in the animals with the scope of simulating severe hemorrhage, draining blood from the carotid artery until the average blood pressure reached 35 mmHg. After 30 minutes of hypovolemia, the animals in group GH received 4,0 mL/Kg of hypertonic saline solution in 7,5%, in the infusion speed of 1,0 mL/Kg/min; the ones in the GE group, received acupuncture on the acupoint Pc6, in the frequence of 20 Hz in square wave; the ones in the GS group received acupuncture in the Sham points and the ones in the GC group have not received any treatment. The following variables have been studied: body temperature; f; FC and electrocardiographic trace; PAM; PVC; PVP and serum lactate. The registration of the variables, except for the serum lactate, has started before the production of the hypovolemia and after the anesthetic stabilization of the animals (Mbasal), immediately after the remove of blood (M0), 3 minutes after blood collection (M3), 30 minutes from blood take out and before the beginning of the treatments (M30) and every 10 minutes until 60 minutes from the withdrawal of blood (M40, M50 e M60). Serum lactate has been evaluated in the M0, M3 and M30. After the registry of the variables, euthanasia has been performed to collect from the CNS and kidneys and posterior light microscopy evaluation. For the evaluation of the CNS and kidneys, degenerated neuron count has been performed (front lobe and hippocampus) and cerebellum piriformis neurons (Purkinje cells), and the quantification of the erythrocyte in the glomeruli and in the medullary region between the collection tubules of the kidneys. The statisc evaluation has been performed by profile analysis (P<0,05) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (P<0,05).There has been no significant difference between the groups and the monets of the studied variables. However, electrocardiographic and cardiovascular alterations have been observed between the M40, M50 and M60 moments in relation to the Mbsal, observing increase in the PAM, PVC e blood lactate variables, and compensatory responses in the variables of the electrocardiogram. In the CNS, no significant differences related to the brain region between the studied groups have been observed. In relation to the kidney microscopy, there were no significant difference in relation to the quantity of erythrocytes between the glomeruli and kidney tubules. However, in the GE group a greater quantity of erythrocytes has been noticed. Thus, as a conclusion, the electro stimulation of the Pc6 acupoint and the hypertonic 7,5% solution do not cause alterations on the electrocardiographic and cardiovascular parameters; and electroacupuncture improves perfusion in the renal of rabbits subdued to severe hemorrhage.
- ItemPlaca óssea bovina na fixação ex vivo do avanço da tuberosidade tibial em cães : avaliação mecânica, microscópica e microbiológica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-09-10) Miranda, Fernando Borges; Freitas, Patrícia Maria Coletto; Lucas, Flávia de Almeida; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho; Faleiros, Rafael ResendeThe objective of this study was to evaluate bovine cortical bone plates preserved in over-satured salt solution associated or not with chemical treatment, as a joint stabilization method after desmotomy of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) in dogs ex vivo, as for mechanics, microbiologic and microscopic aspects. For this proposal, 34 bone plates were manufactured and distributed in two groups: GS (n=17) – preserved in 150% over-saturated salt solution for 45 days; GPS (n=17) – underwent to chemical treatment before preservation. Later, the CrCL desmotomy, tibial tuberosity osteotomy and advancement and fixation of the tuberosity with the bone plates were performed. Then, compression tests of the specimes (tibia + bone plates) were performed for mechanical evaluation. Contamination was observed in group GS. It was observed collagen denaturation in GPS. In both groups the maximum supported force exceeded the physiologic load estimated in 110% of the living weight. We concluded that over-saturated salt solution may reduce cortical bone antigenicity; the chemical treatment is an effective sterilization method of cortical bone; and the bone plates as a joint stabilization method supports compressive forces applied on tibial tuberosity after its advancement.
- ItemSolução de dexametasona diluída em ringer com lactato versus vitamina E diluída em azeite de oliva na prevenção de aderências abdominais em ovelhas doadoras de embriões(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-11-12) Santos, Marcelo Carvalho dos; Luz, Marcelo Rezende; Cunha, Isabel Candia Nunes da; Freitas, Patricia Maria Coletto; Martins, Carla BragaThe aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two solutions on the prevention of adhesion formation in ewes submitted to successive surgical embryo collection. Eight cross-bred ewes were superovulated with 250IU of FSH and embryo collection was performed on D7. In G1 ewes (n=4), immediately before abdominal wall closure, dexametasone (25 mg/kg) diluted in Ringer with lactate (q.s. 75mL) was infused in the abdominal cavity, and in G2 (n=4), vitamin E (100 mg/kg) diluted in olive-oil (q.s. 75mL). The animals underwent three surgical embryonic collections (M1, M2 and M3) with a range of about 60 days. Adhesions were evaluated for the amount, location, extent, vascularity and tenacity. Was also measured the degree of uterine exteriorization. Blood samples were taken for determination of serum fibrinogen, C-reactive protein and mucoprotein on days D-1, D3, D6 and D15, where D0 = day of surgery. There was no significant difference at 5% significance among groups and evaluations regarding the degree of adhesions and uterine exteriorization. Uterine exteriorization was possible in all animals and evaluations in G1 animals, but unable in 25% of G2 animals during the second embryo collection and in 75% of animals on third embryo collection and also at necropsy. Fibrinogen, mucoprotein and C reactive protein serum values did not differ between groups and days of observation. The average rates of embryo recovery were different only in M2 (P<0.04) between G1 and G2. It is concluded that dexametasone diluted in Ringer with lactate, in the dose and volume used, is efficacious in the prevention of abdominal adhesion formation in ewes submitted to successive embryo surgical collection and allows until four successive embryo collections
- ItemCriopreservação de embriões caninos por congelação lenta(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-21) Guaitolini, Carlos Renato de Freitas; Luz, Marcelo Rezende; Viana, João Henrique Moreira; Lopes, Maria Denise; Cunha, Isabel Candia NunesThe raising necessity of assisted reproduction technology in dogs, as well as the increasing deep concern for preservation of endangered species has urged the research with canine species, and the use of the dog as an experimental model, in many cases, is a more relevant model than the traditionally used for human-being. Moreover, canine embryo cryopreservation is still a challenge for the scientific community. The aim of this study was to evaluate the blastocoele re-expansion rates, hatching rates, post-thawing embryonic viability and the in vitro development of canine blastocysts cryopreserved in glycerol 10% and ethylene glycol 1.5M, by slow freezing. A total of 72 embryonic structures were recovered and 125 corpora lutea were identified, performing an embryonic recovery rate of 57.6%. Plasmatic progesterone concentrations were 4.57±3.77 ng/ml on day 0 (first mating or artificial insemination) and 28.56±3.21 ng/mL on day 12 (embryo collection day). Fifty-one blastocysts were randomly allocated into two groups, GLY (n=26) and EG (n=25). Each group was subdivided into three subgroups (M0 = embryonic evaluation immediately after thawing, GLY = 9 and EG = 9; M3 = embryonic evaluation three days after thawing and in vitro culture, GLY = 8 and EG = 8; and M6 = embryonic evaluation six days after thawing and in vitro culture, GLY = 9 and EG = 8). For embryo cryopreservation, a programmable freezer was used, with a cooling-rate curve of 0.6°C/min, until -35°C. Immediately after thawing, embryos from M0 were stained with the association of the probes propidium iodide (125 µg/ml) and Hoechst 33342 (1mg/ml) for cellular viability evaluation; embryos from M3 and M6 were thawed and transferred to synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF) + 10% FCS. Dishes were incubated at 38.5ºC under an atmosphere of 5% CO2 with maximum humidity, for three and six days, respectively, and similar stained. Blastocoele re-expansion rates after 24h of in vitro culture did not differ (P = 0.6196) between GLY (76.5%) and EG (68.8%), respectively. No embryonic hatching was observed in both groups. Post-thawing embryonic viability rates were 60.6±9.7 and 64.4±9.9 for GLY and EG, respectively, without significant difference (P = 0. 8275). In addition, there was no significant difference among moments M0 (61.1±11.6%), M3 (50.0±12.4%) and M6 (76.4±12.0%) for embryonic viability. The present study indicates that blastocoele re-expansion serves as an indicator of post-thawing embryonic viability; that canine blastocysts cryopreserved in glycerol 10% or ethylene glycol 1.5M by slow freezing and cultured in SOFaa medium for 6 days do not hatch in vitro; that canine blastocysts cryopreserved in glycerol 10% or ethylene glycol 1.5M by slow freezing present similar post-thawing viability, and remain viable for up to six days on in vitro culture.
- ItemDesmineralização em osso trabecular e osso cortical de cães submetidos à terapia com prednisona(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-23) Costa, Lorena Adão Vescovi Séllos; Costa, Fabiano Séllos; PORFIRIO, L.C.; CARDOSO, M. J. L.Glucocorticoids are drugs widely used in veterinary medicine, however, their use can trigger a series of adverse effects. The clinical trial was aimed at evaluating possible changes in bone mineral density after therapy with prednisone, using helical computed tomography. In the study, eight healthy mongrel young adult dogs were used, 4 males and 4 females. Prednisone was administered orally to animals at a daily dose of 2mg kg-1 body weight for 30 days. Bone mineral density was determined from the radiodensity values obtained from the region of cortical and trabecular bone of the vertebral body of the second lumbar vertebra, immediately before and after the period of drug administration. The experimental protocol allowed the characterization of significant (P <0.05) decreased radiodensity of trabecular and cortical bone of vertebral body of the second lumbar vertebra, but no significant demineralization was found in the cortical region. None of the dogs of the experimental group showed pathological fracture at the end of drug administration. The study showed changes in bone metabolism in dogs subjected to therapy with prednisone at a dose of 2mg kg-1 only occur early in trabecular bone, making it a recommended monitoring patients for prevention of pathological fractures.
- ItemAvaliação do farelo integral de pimenta rosa (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi) como promotores de produção na dieta de frangos de corte(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-24) Gonçalves, Fabiano Gomes; Zanini, Surama Freitas; Vargas Júnior, José Geraldo de; Colnago, Geraldo LuizThe aim of these studies was to evaluate, a first experiment, chemical composition of whole Brazilian red pepper meal (BRPM) and its use in the broilers diet with base on performance and liver function. A second experiment was to evaluate the inclusion of whole Brazilian red pepper meal (BRPM) associated or not with antibiotic growth promoters on performance, intestinal morphometry and on liver function in broiler diet. In the first experiment a total of 396 day-old male chicks, Cobb, distributed in a randomized design of three treatments and six replicates of 22 broilers each, constituted of the negative control - basal diet without growth promoter or whole Brazilian red pepper; positive control – basal diet with zinc bacitracin and salinomycin; diet with 1.2% BRPM. It was determined the concentration of phenolic compounds in all experimental diets, as well as whole meal. Regarding the chemical composition of the BRPM it was verified that the ether extract, crude fiber, calcium, total phenolics, total and condensed tannins were higher than in corn, although other nutrients such as protein and phosphorus have values close those observed in this grain. There was no difference (P>0,05) between treatments on animal performance. The BRPM reduced (P<0,05) the concentrations of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) enzymes at 21 and 41 days old, respectively, compared to the CN, without compromising the weight gain (P>0,05). In the second experiment a total of 528 day-old male chicks, Cobb, distributed in a randomized design in groups of six treatments and four replicates of 22 birds each: T1: Negative Control (NC) - basal diet without BRPM or antibiotics; T2: Positive Control (PC) - basal diet with 1,2% BRPM; T3: PC + 11ppm zinc bacitracin and 17ppm salinomycin, T4: PC + 22ppm zinc bacitracin and 34ppm salinomycin; T5: PC + 33ppm zinc bacitracin and 51ppm salinomycin; T6: PC + 45ppm zinc bacitracin and 67ppm salinomycin. At 21 days of age it was observed elevated values of aspatate aminotransferase (AST) in broilers fed diet BRPM associated with higher additions of antibiotics compared to the others (P<0.05). Serum concentrations of AST, ALT and GGT in broiler chickens fed diet with 1.2% of BRPM did not differ from negative control at 21 and 41 days old. In period of 1-43 days-old, it was observed that the inclusion of BRPM with or without growth promoter reduced (P<0,05) feed intake and improved feed gain ratio compared with NC. It was observed that the broilers fed diet with antibiotics associated with the BRPM, in amounts up to 22mg/kg of zinc bacitracin and 34mg/kg of salinomycin resulted on higher of villus height compared with NC. It was concluded that partial substitution of corn by BRPM did not reduce the animal performance and that can be used to replace antibiotic growth promoters without decrease on animal performance, viability and production factor. The supplementation of 1.2% BRPM did not influence liver function and the inclusion of high doses of antibiotics associated with the BRPM resulted in hepatic dysfunction.
- ItemUtilização de sorgo na dieta de cães obesos como estratégia para redução de peso corporal : avaliação clínica e laboratorial(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-24) Feitosa, Mariana Lorenção; Zanini, Surama Freitas; Aptekmann, Karina Preising; Colnago, Geraldo Luiz; Marques, Luiz Fernando AarãoObesity is a nutritional disease that affects approximately 20 to 45% of the canine population and is associated with several pathological conditions. With the domestication of animals, increasing amounts of carbohydrates were added to the diet of dogs, assisting in the development of obesity. Starch is the most important carbohydrate foods. It is known that digestion of starch in sorghum occurs more slowly than the starch from corn.This study was conducted to verify the performance of diets formulated with 100% corn, sorghum 100% and 50% corn / sorghum 50%, reducing weight in obese dogs. In addition, proposed the clinical and laboratory evaluation during any stage of weight reduction. For this, we used 35 adult dogs of both sexes, between three and five years old, healthy. It was used to calculate the body mass index canine body weight and evaluation of body condition score to establish the weight reduction. Glucose, fructosamine, total cholesterol, VLDL, HDL and triglycerides were measured for verification of probable laboratory. The results of these parameters were subjected to analysis of variance for balanced data, using the SNK test for mean comparison between treatments with a significance level of 5%. Regarding diet, there was no significant difference between treatments with maize and sorghum to reduce body weight (p> 0.05). However, significant effects of gender on the diets (p <0.05). Significant effect of race and diet on the IMCC (p <0.05). Dogs treated with 100% sorghum had higher IMCC compared with dogs fed 50% milho/50% sorghum. The results of serum glucose, fructosamine, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and VLDL showed no significant difference lying within the normal range (p> 0.05). The presence of overweight or obese for a short period of time does not alter the levels of glucose, fructosamine and cholesterol in dogs. The establishment of a program of weight loss with diets based on sorghum and maize have been effective, considering both the reduction of body weight and the maintenance of blood glucose and cholesterol.
- ItemBioquímica hepática e função tireoidiana de cães hígidos tratados com prednisona(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-25) Lanis, Adriene Brêtas; Costa, Fabiano Séllos; Porfírio, Lenir Cardoso; Paes, Paulo Ricardo de OliveiraPrednisone is one of the most prescribed glucocorticoid in veterinary medicine, and although it provides many positive effects, it also provides some adverse effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate in dog submitted to prednisone therapy, the occurrence of steroid hepatopathy, and the changes in hormone tests thyroid function. Eight healthy adult dogs, without gender distinction, were utilized for this. The experiment was divided into two moments, the initial moment being prior to the use of prednisone, and the following moment after 30 days of the use of prednisone. The dosage administered was 2mg for each kg, each 24 hours, orally. It was possible to conclude through serum biochemical analysis that there was significant hepatic lesion, characterized through significant increase for ALT and AST values. It is also possible conclude significant decrease for the values of T4, free T4 by dialysis (P<0.05). Thus it is recommended that the use of this drug is accompanied by laboratory monitoring.
- ItemDimensões da adrenal e quantidade de gordura visceral em cães tratados com prednisona(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-25) Lopes, Bernardo Fernandes; Costa, Fabiano Séllos; Cardoso, Mauro José Lahm; Aptekman, Karina PreisingThe glucocorticoids are widely used in clinical practice, but important adverse effects are described in dog. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of prednisone on adrenal size and amount of visceral fat in dogs. Images of adrenal ultrasound examinations were edited with the aid of computer program and helical computed tomography as made for quantification of visceral fat in eight healthy young adult dogs immediately before and after 30 days of steroid with therapy prednisone in dose (2mg for each kg, each 24 hours, orally). There was adrenocortical atrophy and increased amount of intra-abdominal fat (p <0.005) between the different experimental time. It was possible to prove the applicability of diagnostic imaging techniques used.
- ItemEletrocardiograma em equinos do regimento de polícia montada do Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-08-17) Lima, Marcelo Borjaille; Eurides, Duvaldo; Mota, Francisco Cláudio Dantas; Martins, Carla BragaThe eletrocardiographic test has been used for diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias and heart disease in horses, as well as performance evaluation and early diagnosis of worsening of athletic performance of various modalities. The activity of mounted police requires that animals are trained for long hours at walk and trotting, thus monitoring of these animals for underlying cardiac diseases that may affect their performance is of great value. In this study from 78 animals of the regiment of mounted Military Police Patrol of Espirito Santo State, Brazil, were divided into groups according to age and underwent electrocardiographic examination, followed by analyses of durations and amplitudes of the waves and QRS. There was statistical difference in T+ wave amplitude which was correlated to animals growth. These horses did not show any arrhythmias at rest, while the most common was the sinus rhythm