Distribuição e Fatores Associados à Infecção Por Fasciola hepatica em Bovinos em Municípios do Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo no Período de 2008/2009.

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Alves, Danielle Porcari
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease with high po tential to cause great economic losses in several animal species that compromises t he liver and bile ducts of the same. In the southern state of Espírito Santo is be coming an endemic disease due to climate conducive to maintaining the life cycle of Fasciola hepatica and the high conviction rate of liver parasites in slaughterhous e region. The objective of this study to evaluate the distribution and factors associated with infection by Fasciola hepatica in cattle in 10 municipalities in the southern stat e of Espírito Santo, in the period 2008 to 2009. We collected stool samples from 10% of cat tle from each property were referred to the Parasitology Laboratory of the Cent er for Agricultural Sciences (CCA), Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) to perf orm the technique described by parasitological sedimentation Foreyt (2005) to dete ct eggs of Fasciola hepatica . The properties were selected for convenience, five prop erties in the county by 10 cities studied, totaling 50 properties. In each property w as held a technical interview with the head, which was based on variables, to ascertai n: the presence of wetland, the presence of other definitive hosts, the presence of previous cases of fasciolosis and the presence of observation of mollusk. The geograp hical position was defined with the aid of GPS in each property being transferred t o maps using the computer program TrackMaker GPS. The associations between va riables were evaluated by chi-square (X2) using the EPI INFO 2002. Of the tot al 717 samples 153 (21.33%) were positive for eggs of Fasciola hepatica in 32 (64%) farms with infected animals. Of the 50 farms studied, 32 (64%) showed positive a nimals for fasciolosis and 18 (36%) did not. After statistical analysis it was ob served that there was only association between variables, presence of wetlands and other definitive hosts, with properties positive for bovine fasciolosis. Conside ring the results of this study, we can conclude that the bovine fascioliasis is a dise ase in expanding in the southern state of Espírito Santo.
Epidemiology , Frequency , Ruminants , Fascioliasis , Frequência , Ruminantes , Fasciolose , Epidemiologia