Agir localmente, resistir globalmente: conexão Espírito Santo (Brasil) e Yasuní (Equador) por áreas livres de petróleo

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Castro, Julia Silva de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The present dissertation is the result of a qualitative research, operationalized by field observations, documentary research and semi-structured in-depth interviews. Aiming an intersection between the literature of the Contentious Politics and the environmental conflicts, it aims to contribute to the knowledge about the contestation process of those affected by the oil and gas industry in Latin America. The research is designed so as to understand not strictly the local aspects, but the intermediations between the local and the global, in view of the demands of actors gathered around the framework "affected by the oil and gas industry" that have crossed countries Latin America in networks of environmental activism. In this sense, we seek to understand how the local challenge is raised for international arenas, generating a transnational process of confrontation. In order to do so, the explanation is based on the empirical analysis of the construction of the Campaign "Not one more well" in the state of Espirito Santo, which involved several field trips accompanying its performances of confrontation in order to verify the occurrence of the activation of certain mechanisms. We understand that different valuations and practices are involved in the mobilization process and the broker has a great capacity to link local demands with more general frameworks with global projection, thus collaborating in the construction of meanings and resolutions of needs, of rights, in an emancipatory sense, in short, of societal alternatives. Finally, our conclusions are that the struggles in question place an element not considered in the agenda of the Contentious Politics, that is, they present confrontations that are of an ontological nature, where different worlds are in dispute.
Environmental Conflicts , Contentious Politics , Neoextractivism , Afected by oil and gas industry , Conflitos Ambientais , Confronto Político , Neoextrativismo , Afetados por petróleo e gás , Redes de ativismo ambiental.
CASTRO, Julia Silva de. Agir localmente, resistir globalmente: conexão Espírito Santo (Brasil) e Yasuní (Equador) por áreas livres de petróleo. 2008. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, 2008.