A integração do ensino médio à educação profissional técnica de nível médio no curso técnico em edificações, IFES campus Colatina

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Almeida, Jaqueline Ferreira de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The aim of this research was to analyze the offer and the operation of the Integrated Technical Course in Buildings – in the campus of Colatina, from 2004, in view of the policy of the offer of the modalities of education focusing on the integration of the High School curriculum to the technical-professional education. This study was guided by the Marxist perspective and dialogued with the production of the ANPED WP-09, which advocates a more wholly human formation. Integrated secondary education, as a form of provision of technical secondary education, has among its presuppositions human formation and the curricular integration, which aims to overcome the duality that permeates Brazilian education. This research made use of the following sources: institutional documents of IFES (Construction Course Project, PDI, ROD, management reports) and was developed through on-site visits with observation and interviews with teachers and the application of questionnaires with students and managers of the Building Course. In the first stage, the demand and the offer of technical education, high school and integrated secondary education at a national, State and local levels (northwest microregion and Colatina municipality) was evidenced, which signaled the lack of the provision of the State secondary education and the importance of the federal offer and the risks of verticalization. In the second phase, the contact with the subjects of the research revealed the complexity of the functioning of the curricular integration, its limits and possibilities for the implementation and functioning of the integrated secondary education in the Colatina campus. Among the limits for the effectiveness of the integration, it has been shown that the expansion and the verticalization of IFES offer directly influence the offer of integrated courses. Among the challenges, the management and distribution of content in the curriculum carried out by managers and teachers stands out. The implementation of the curricular organization can lead to a process of juxtaposition of the school components and cause overload on the students as the items of study increase, the number of evaluations that can reach a high number in a year, demonstrating the content of IFES school culture. Such a situation can increase the demands of study in the courses, interfering in the learning process of the students, who need different strategies in order to organize themselves to attend to this process of overloading of school tasks. Nevertheless, within the process of juxtaposition and fragmentation mentioned here, there are integrative practices that allow students to overcome them. Thus, despite the limits, challenges and contradictions, the operation of integrated secondary education offers a great number of qualities that in the context of voiding the right to education in the municipality of Colatina represents the guarantee of the right to a social insertion for the youngsters of the northwest region
Integrated High School , Integrated Curriculum , Federal Institute of Espírito Santo , Ensino Médio Integrado , Currículo Integrado , Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo