Influência do tempo de detenção hidráulica e da profundidade no desempenho de lagoas de alta taxa aplicadas ao pós-tratamento de efluente de reatores UASB

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Lopes, Nattália Tose
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research presents as objective the evaluation of the performance of High Rate Ponds (HRP) used as post treatment of UASB reactors effluent. The performance of HRP was analyzed considering the influence of the geometric characteristics and the operational conditions on the microalgae production, as well as the efficiency of the removal of organic matter, nutrients and pathogenic microorganisms. Two Hydraulic Retention Times (HRT), of 3 and 6 days, and three useful depths of 30, 45 and 60 cm were evaluated in the ponds. The efficiencies of nitrogen series (NTK, N-NH4 + ) removal were affected by the useful depth. The maximum removal percentages obtained were 48% in terms of total nitrogen and 23% for phosphorus. The concentration of Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS), to estimate the microalgae production in the HRL, reached values around 132 ± 32.4 mg/L. The microalgae productivity per unit area for the 3-day HRT reached values higher than for the 6-day HRT, due to the higher application of nutrient/m2 load, with an average productivity of 20 g/m2d. Due to the higher production of microalgae with HRT of 3 days, there was a greater assimilation of nutrients by the microalgae, when compared to the stage with HRT of 6 days. Although, the main nutrients removal mechanism was attributd to the ammonia volatilization and phosphates precipitation, for both HRT. For the thermotolerants coliforms removal, it was noted that the HRT was a factor of major influence.
High Rate Algal Ponds , Wastewater treatment , Microalgae , Nutrients , Hydraulic retention time , Depth , Lagoa de alta taxa , Tratamento de esgoto , Microalgas , Nutrientes , Tempo de detenção hidráulico , Profundidade útil