O esgotamento da organização político-partidária da classe trabalhadora no Brasil

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Santos, Othoniel Cibien dos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This dissertation aims to reflect on the exhaustion of the traditional forms of organization of the working classes, political parties and trade unions, which had its inflection point in the mass demonstrations of June 2013, known as the June days. We start from the idea that the manifestations of 2013 represented a political and theoretical rupture with the forms, tactics and strategies that the social movements that emerged from the ground in the 1970s, namely: community movements, the Ecclesial Base Community (CEB), the new syndicalism, among others that in the struggle against the military regime formed a political party of the masses, the workers' party (PT), representative of the hope of transformation of Brazilian society. Our historical approach encompasses a long period of formation of the working class and its forms of organization, as well as of the theories that support them. Just as, the transformations of capitalism updated its theoretical basis, liberalism, also Marxism was revised and updated, to understand the new reality. Gramsci, using Marx's method to understand the reality of his time, eventually upgraded it, elevating it to another level. His categories of analysis, such as hegemony, civil society, state enlargement and war of position were the theoretical basis for understanding the Brazilian reality in the 1970s and 1980s. The experience of 2013, however, discarded the previous organizational structure, forcing the updating of Gramsci's revolutionary theory and Marxism, to new levels of understanding of contemporary reality.
Politics , Political Party , State , Working Class , Capitalism , Marxism , Partido Político , Classe Trabalhadora , Marxismo