Análise das condições para desenvolvimento do mercado de estruvita recuperada a partir de águas residuárias no Brasil

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Franci, Thiago Keller
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The crystallization of struvite from wastewater treatment has been widely carried out in wastewater treatment plants (ETARs) in many countries, a practice that meets the concepts of the Nexus and Circular Economy. The struvite contains nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg) in its composition, and is considered a valuable recycled fertilizer, especially due to the possibility of future shortage of the element P. In Brazil little has been discussed regarding struvite, therefore in this study the technical, commercial, economic and regulatory feasibility conditions for the development of the market for this recycled product in the country were evaluated. The results indicate that there are already many technologies for recovery of struvite being offered in the world market. Its main differences are related to where the crystal is precipitated, the type of reactor, and the source of magnesium used. In Brazil such technologies have greater potential for acceptance in the private sector, and, due to their characteristics, the recovered struvite should be marketed as a refined fertilizer product. The price of struvite in the market is still uncertain, and it is necessary to use indicators and comparisons to estimate it. The option for accepting projects related to the installation of technologies for the recovery of struvite from wastewater treatment goes through economic feasibility studies. A developed scenario indicates that for the selected target audience, the return on investment does not occur within the time frame considered in the study, which indicates that the project is not viable and should not go forward. However, the changes in the scenario and the sensitivity analysis indicate that the two variables that most impact the result are the market value of struvite and the source and price of magnesium used in the process. There were no restrictions on the production and marketing of struvite in Brazil, although there were no records of this product in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). The relevant legislation is not clear and specific, which creates doubts and uncertainties for potential investors.
Struvite , Circular Economy , Nexus , Feasibility Analysis , Estruvita , Economia Circular , Nexus , Análise de Viabilidade