Conservação e aproveitamento de fontes de água para fins não potáveis em um restaurante industrial de grande porte

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Valentim, Germano Kuster
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The low amount of natural resources available took society to change its consumption habits economically, politically and environmentally. Due to that, this dissertation presents strategies to best conserve and use water in order to reduce the consumption of potable water as of techniques of rational use and by the utilization of non-potable water sources. The building chosen for the development of this study was the Central Restaurant of Vale (Restaurante Central da Vale), which possesses a covered area of 7.521,3 m². The methodology utilized contemplated initially the evaluation of consumption of potable water in comparison with the nonpotable water that was offered by the building. It is important to highlight that the offer of rain water presented a volume of 7.588,3 m², while the offer of condensed water represented a volume of 489,6 m²/year. It was determined that the grey water produced by the building represents 1.982,7 m²/year, whilst the black water demonstrated a flow of 5.843,9 m²/year. It was analyzed the possible leakage of sanitary toilets, concluding that they represented 0,2% of the total water consumed. Subsequently, it was applied the hydric balance reconciliation (BHR) developed by Teclim Network from Federal University of Bahia, for the reconciliation of the data of leakage measured and estimated. The deviation found in the measured leakage and reconciled was insignificant, since the sectorized consumption of potable water did not present any alteration. Posteriorly, it was developed the study of technical and economic viability for alternative non-potable water sources (rain water and condensation) as well as the implantation of saving devices installed in the Central Restaurant. It was concluded that the usage of both non-potable water sources (condensated water and rain water) as well as the implantation of saving devices would imply an economy of 21.997,4 m²/year, corresponding to a reduction of 34,6% of potable water demand by the use of alternative sources.
Water usage , Central Restaurant , Hydric Balance , Indicators , Aproveitamento de Água , Restaurante Central , Balanço Hídrico , Indicadores