A morte sob outro ponto de vista : transformação do líder morto em mártir-encantado

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Souza, Edimilson Rodrigues de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research aims to highlight, from three ethnographic experiences, some of the manners for the translation of leaders assassinations, respectively union workers, religious, farmers and indigenous, in areas historically marked by intense land conflicts in Brazil: São Geraldo do Araguaia (PA), Ribeirão Cascalheira (MT) and Pesqueira (PE), in order to discuss the transformation/generation of Raimundo Ferreira Lima (Gringo), João Bosco Penido Burnier and Francisco de Assis Araújo (Xicão Xukuru) in the land martyrs and/or enchanted, made present in the pilgrimages arising from these events, the pilgrimages of the martyrs of the walk. The focus of the analysis will be the stories about these leaders "marked for death", which offer us tools to think about how their personal trajectory as well as the threats that preceded the ordered murders of these characters caused other points of view on the death/violence in these spaces of struggle. This topology is an attempt to organize one logic of thought that recognizes the transition between life and death, articulated by various experiences of conflict and confrontation, which underlie the right to remain in the territories historically occupied and appropriated by these collectives.
Land conflicts , Martyrs-enchanted , Pilgrimages , Mártires , Conflitos fundiários , Mártires-encantados , Romarias