Conselho de escola e os processos de inclusão de alunos público-alvo da educação especial

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Andrade, Beatriz de Oliveira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study, from a master degree course, has its object on the analyses of the School Council and the Social Inclusion processes of target pupils enrolled in special education, in the municipalities of Vitória, Vila Velha and Cariacica, all of them in the State of Espírito Santo, which have accepted special education target pupil‘s enrollments for the last decade. The aim is to understand how the presence of these students in the common school is provoking political and pedagogical considerations and pathways within institutional boundaries. The research is of quantitative nature, with its main data collection procedures being the study of official documents and the questionnaire answered by the Counselors, the exploratory search. The concepts of figurative power and power balance have been used after Norbert Elias – The Civilization Process, volume 2: state formation and civilization. It offers subsidies to understand how the School Council is structured, as well as to identify the aspects of the characteristic concerns and tensions in this organ operational dynamics. Supported by Elias‘ perspectives, the study investigated how the notions of school years deficiency and power balance interweave, expressed in the decisions and institutional pathways, considering the social inclusion perspectives lately announced with the educational policies for the Brazilian territory. It has been possible to observe that in late societies, the School Council is an important individual and group mobilization instance, around differentiated and interdependent gains. Actually, they must deal with challenges and dilemmas arising from its constitution and operational dynamics. It must be also considered the most important role played by the School Council in the several social and civil dimensions composing the school community. Finally, the concepts of inclusive education and figuration imprint a specific direction to the teaching institutions decisions on political and pedagogical pathways. These concepts are also demarcations, largely, of the power balance among the members of the School Council, and between them and the school management team. It has also been possible to observe that in the debates about students with disabilities schooling, the counselors from the teacher representations always assumed the centrality of the decisions. Therefore, a comprehension arose, that the School Councils must become spaces of formation, spaces for expanding knowledge about themes that repeatedly rise from the school grounds, and about which all the participants must share their opinions and effectively follow the decisions and pathways chosen.
School Council , Figuration , Power balance , Educational inclusion , School democratic management , Conselhos de Escola , Equilíbrio de poder , Gestão democrática na escola