Biodisponibilidade de ferro in vitro e in vivo de misturas de feijões caupi e batata doce biofortificados

dc.contributor.advisor-co1Tostes, Maria das Graças Vaz
dc.contributor.advisor-co2Brigide, Priscila
dc.contributor.advisor1Costa, Neuza Maria Brunoro
dc.contributor.authorCorrêa, Sarah Ramos
dc.contributor.referee1Costa, André Gustavo Vasconcelos
dc.contributor.referee2Oliveira, Daniela da Silva
dc.description.abstractFood biofortification is an ally in the fight against micronutrient deficiency. In Brazil, staple crops are produced with higher levels of iron, zinc and vitamin A, but little is known about the bioavailability of these nutrients and their interactions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the interaction of vitamin A in the bioavailability of iron from mixtures of conventional rice with – biofortified cowpea beans and sweet potato with iron and carotenoids pro vitamin A, respectively, using in vitro and in vivo methods, as well as evaluate the gene expression of proteins involved in iron metabolism. The foods were cooked and dried at 60ºC. The nutritional composition, phytates, total phenolics, iron and zinc of food flours were analyzed. The combinations used in the experiment consisted of rice + cowpea added or not of sweet potatoes. In vitro bioavailability of cowpea bean Guariba (G), Aracê (A), Xique Xique (X) and Tumucumaque (T) was assessed by Caco-2 cells. In the biological assay nine experimental groups (n = 8) were tested: Rice + Cowpea BRS Guariba (G); Rice + Cowpea BRS Guariba + Sweet Potato (GB); Rice + Cowpea BRS Aracê (A); Rice + Cowpea BRS Aracê + Sweet Potato (AB); Rice + Cowpea BRS Xique Xique (X); Rice + Cowpea BRS Xique Xique + Sweet Potato (XB); Rice + Cowpea BRS Tumucumaque (T); Rice + Cowpea BRS Tumucumaque + Sweet Potato (TB); Control (Ferrous Sulfate). Only the BRS Xique Xique cowpea presented higher bioavailability of iron in vitro in the absence of sweet potato compared to the blend with the potato. The other groups added of sweet potato did not differ among themselves, as well as the groups without the potato, and one compared to the other. Bioavailability of iron in vivo was assessed by the depletion/repletion method (period of 35 days). Hemoglobin Gain (Hb Gain), Hemoglobin Regeneration Efficiency (HRE) and Relative Biological Value of HRE (RBV-HRE) were evaluated. The gene expression of the transferrin and ferritin proteins were evaluated by RT-PCR. The Hb gain of the experimental groups did not differ from the control (p=0.05). The test groups presented similar levels of HRE (p=0.05). The in vivo bioavailability was higher for the control group (p <0.05), while the potato groups did not differ (p=0.05). The only group that differed from its counterpart without sweet potato was XB (p <0.05). mRNA expression of ferritin did not differ between the test and control groups (p=0.05). In what it refers to mRNA expression of transferrin, in which there was difference between the test and control groups (p <0.05), except the group Xique Xique (p <0.05). The association of rice and beans to sweet potato rich in carotenoids, did not favor the gene expression of proteins involved in the metabolism of iron, as well as the bioavailability of this mineral.
dc.description.resumoA biofortificação de alimentos é um aliado no combate à deficiência de micronutrientes. No Brasil, alimentos básicos são produzidos com maiores teores de ferro, zinco e vitamina A, mas pouco se sabe acerca da biodisponibilidade desses nutrientes e suas interações. O objetivo deste projeto é avaliar a interação da vitamina A na biodisponibilidade de ferro de misturas de alimentos biofortificados, usando métodos in vitro e in vivo. Serão testados alimentos biofortificados com ferro e zinco (feijão caupi), pró-vitamina A (batata doce) e suas misturas com arroz convencional, comparados às contrapartes convencionais. Fitatos, fenólicos, fibras e micronutrientes serão determinados nos alimentos e combinações serão criadas para avaliação de biodisponibilidade de ferro. O estudo in vitro, com células Caco-2, irá avaliar a biodisponibilidade de ferro dos alimentos biofortificados com ferro e zinco (feijão caupi), na ausência e presença de vitamina A (batata doce) e na mistura com arroz convencional. A biodisponibilidade será expressa como a razão ferritina/proteína no lisado de células. O ensaio biológico contemplará o método de depleção-repleção de hemoglobina em ratos. Serão avaliados ganho e eficiência na regeneração de hemoglobina, valores relativos de biodisponibilidade, ferritina, hemossiderina, vitamina A hepática, capacidade antioxidante total plasmática, expressãogênica de DMT1, DcytB e ferroportina na mucosa duodenal e no fígado.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo
dc.publisher.courseMestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
dc.publisher.departmentCentro de Ciências Agrárias e Engenharias
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectGene expressioneng
dc.subjectExpressão gênicapor - Biodisponibilidadeãoóides
dc.subject.cnpqCiência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
dc.titleBiodisponibilidade de ferro in vitro e in vivo de misturas de feijões caupi e batata doce biofortificados
dc.title.alternativeIn vitro and in vivo iron bioavailability of biofortified cowpea and sweet potato blends
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