"Aos pescadores, a modernidade!": trajetórias da política pesqueira na regulação da pesca artesanal

Nenhuma Miniatura disponível
Cyrino, Carolina de Oliveira e Silva
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work is about on a 90-year temporary lapse of brazilian fishing policy, bringing an aproach that braids sociology and history, with the objective of analyzing how artisanal fishing and fishermen are identified and regulated in the trajectories of fishing policy. It should be emphasized that modernization and the developmentalism ideal were important strategies in the political actions taken by the State, which still rebounding today, especially in the artisanal activity, considering that this was hold over throughout the process of modernization of the fishing that has been altering both the environment of fishery production, such as the social reproduction of fishermen and their communities. From this problem, through documentary examination of rare historical records and analysis of normative content, we specifically sought to analyze the fishing policy from the project of nationalization of fishing (1919), which created the colonies of fishermen in Brazil until the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Policy (2009). Was also analyzed the forms established by the State in the identification and regulation of artisanal fishing and fishermen and, consequently, the reverberations of the developmental model in the political actions directed at artisanal fishing. In this way, this study brings the reflection on a developmental idea assumed by the State, which marks a modern logic of being and living, producing recurrent processes of social exclusion for those who are classified as backward or incapable of contributing to the country progress, in particular, artisanal fisherman.
Política pesqueira , Pesca artesanal , Pescadores artesanais , Desenvolvimentismo , Modernidade