A Representação Social sobre a Educação Física Escolar

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Marinho, Ediane de Melo Maia
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In the contemporary theories of knowledge, the body and body education have always performed a secondary role and from the 1960s the body gets a new social status, through the western culture. At the beginning of the 19th century the School Physical Education appeared, which maintained an intrinsic relationship with the parameter of physical aptitude and by the 1980s a critical analysis of this relationship emerged. The goal of the study is to investigate the understanding of the School Physical Education from the Social Representation of the Physical Education professors and it is theoretically and methodologically oriented at the Social Representation Theory, relying on the Central Core Theory. It is characterized as a research with a qualitative approach and the questionnaire was used as a method of collecting information. For the analysis, computational programs, EVOCATION 2005 and the IRAMUTEQ were used, which performed the prototypical analysis and the similarity analysis, and the content analysis was carried out in discursive questions of the questionnaire. Possible terms belonging to the Central Nucleus of Social Representation were found: health, leisure and sport. With the content analysis, understandings of the discipline were observed, which were categorized as “Generalist”, “Targeted and contextualized” and “Specific to technical aspects”. It is concluded that Physical Education is being understood and taught in schools by Physical Education teachers, based on the possible terms of the identified Central Core, and when analyzing the discursive responses, most of them fit into the generalist category, which highlights the teacher's difficulty in understanding the specificity of their discipline in a contextualized way within the school environment.
Educação física escolar , representação social , professores de educação física