Entre a utopia e a realidade: tensões entre o PT e Vítor Buaiz (1995-1998)

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Scherer, Canício
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
It uses a broad and updated bibliography to contextualize and understand the theoretical and conceptual referential about political parties, Brazilian parties system and the Labor Party which performance in ES within1995-1998 is discussed and analised from de documents of the party itself, press articles and through the utilization of methods and techniques of oral history. It studies the Labor Party, its origin, ideological configuration and programmatical aims, standing out its varied ideological fragmentation emphatizing the tensions among its tendencies. As a socialist party, it discusses the meaning of its left option, being placed in the Brazilian political system. This system with its fragility, shows the Labor Party as a novelty among the other parties in Brazil. To reach this aim, this study chose gramscian referential about parties, that provides condition to understand and explain its heterogeneous composition, its aims and strategies to get hegemony, to achieve power and to construct socialism, called petista socialism that should be reached through internal and external democratic practice and through workers participation in all deciding actions. It thinks about the process of setting neoliberalism in Brazil – now identifying as rightist tendency – and political-ideological consequences to Labor Party. Therefore explains causes and conditions that stimulated tensions and fights between Labor Party and governor Vítor Buaiz and his after Labor Party disconnecting. Results turn clear that were extremely important internal fights to conquer hegemony and the option to the neoliberalism made by Vítor Buaiz. Troubles found by gramscian line party to achieve its aims, more leftist groups resistence to construct alliances, to see beyond the party, because of control and openes to globalization, deeper studies.
Politics , Party , Workers Party , Tendencies , Socialism , Socialismo , Hegemony , Espírito Santo (Estado) - Política e governo , Democracy , Poder , Ideology , Tendências , Neoliberalism , História do Espírito Santo , Espírito Santo (State) - History , História do Brasil , Brazil - History , Power
SCHERER, Canício. Entre a utopia e a realidade: tensões entre o PT e Vítor Buaiz (1995-1998). 2005. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2005.