Jornal o diário: a censura e o papel da publicidade nos anos de chumbo (1968-1974)

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Mazzei, Victor Reis
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
To revisit the history of the O Diário newspaper is to rescue a little of the history of the press in the state of Espírito Santo. The aforesaid publication circulated in the lands of this state between 1955 and 1980, and has left as a legacy the upbringing of a generation of professionals who later occupied the most outstanding posts in the local press. The present dissertation deals in more detail with the relationship between O Diário newspaper and censorship, especially in the so-called “Leaden Years” (1968-1974). During a relevant period in which O Diário circulated, Brazil was immersed in a military dictatorship (1964-1985), which imposed to communication means a retrenchment in freedom of speech. The control of what was published was intense. The sanctions to those who dared defy the regime were immense. Journalists were coerced, threatened, tortured and even arrested. Censorship made itself present in the daily activities of media professionals. Most means of communication, which were to a great extent dependent on the State, be it by the granting of loans or by being paid for advertisements, ended up obeying official determinations; otherwise, they would run the risk of being retaliated. In this way, an asymmetrical power relation was established over what the means of communication could publish and make public. Strategies for resistance were assembled by publications so as to escape from censorship as well as to find means of making their reports and articles public. In the meantime, a new element gains prominence: publicity. Through publicity, the Government manifested its good will and sympathy to the means of communication. To those who followed the precepts proposed by the military, the Government would offer the possibility of being granted a substantial volume of official advertisement. On the other hand, for those who attempted to challenge the established regime, there would not only be a withdrawal of official advertisement, but also of advertisement coming from private enterprises, due to the pressure exerted by the State. The O Diário newspaper has amply experienced censorship in its daily practice. Directors were constantly summoned in order to be cross-examined, journalists were many times arrested; one of them even lost his job due to an article in which he publicized how wealthy a number of politicians from the state of Espírito Santo were. In spite of the constant atmosphere of fear that hovered over the editorial room, the O Diário newspaper was considered to be a paper that sympathized and was in tune with the ideological proposals of the military in power then. By its own 10 account, the publication would insert in its contents articles and advertisements that condoned the ideals of the authoritarian regime. On the other hand, in various occasions, O Diário got the benefit of receiving a considerable amount of advertisement coming from official sources, as well as from private enterprises that depended on the State financially. The directing board of O Diário saw this as a threshold to be exploited and made all the efforts to strengthen the link with the military so as to obtain financial favors as well as to prevent the newspaper from getting into conflicts with the heavy hand of the military.
Censorship , Power , Dictatorship , Press , Poder , Advertising , Jornalismo
MAZZEI, Victor Reis. Jornal o diário: a censura e o papel da publicidade nos anos de chumbo (1968-1974). 2011. 214 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2011.