Materialização da BNCC : um estudo de caso a respeito das transformações curriculares e da disciplina de geografia para os anos finais do ensino fundamental

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Rezende, Jane de Oliveira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) is a Brazilian normative document that delineates the competencies all students must develop throughout the various stages of Basic Education. As a normative document, upon its promulgation, it became the national reference for curriculum reform within educational systems. Considering these elements, this research aims to investigate the modifications made to the Geography curriculum in the final years of Elementary Education following the implementation of the BNCC, according to the perceptions of the Geography teacher and the pedagogical coordination advisor, both working at a state school in the municipality of Alegre, located in the Caparaó microregion, in the State of Espírito Santo. The theoretical framework is based on critical authors such as Frigotto (1986), Libâneo (2016, 2018), Pina and Gama (2020), Saviani (2020), and Zank and Malanchen (2020). The methodology is supported by a qualitative case study approach, rooted in historical critical pedagogy. Data production instruments included document analysis, semi structured interviews, participant observation, and a field diary. Data analysis was based on content analysis. It was found that the implementation of the Geography curriculum, developed in accordance with the BNCC, was influenced by a technicist and instrumental proposal of the competencies of the learning-to-learn pedagogy, aimed at meeting the minimum content assessed in external evaluations to form creative, entrepreneurial, and flexible individuals who satisfy the demands of the labor market. This resulted in the working class experiencing a loss of systematic knowledge
Base Nacional Comum Curricular , Geografia , Ensino fundamental , Common national curriculum base , Geography , Elementary school