Notas sobre os confrontos de junho de 2013 no Brasil: causas prováveis, significados em disputa, possibilidades históricas

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Andrade, Felipe Moura de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In 2013, June joined Brazilian political history as the month the most spontaneous demonstrations, massive and cathartic that the country has experienced until today. Huge surprises that it is against the grain of all kinds and social expectation. This research aims to add the understanding and explanation of the reasons, meanings and consequences of those protests, still so recent, aware, because of the risks of this analysis. We speak of diffuse manifestations and sometimes contradictory that has spread for hundreds of Brazilian cities with streets taken by millions of people. Therefore, the category "confrontation" is chosen opening up the possibility of thinking the protests not as social or as revolutionary movements, but as "clashes cycles" in accordance with Tarrow, McAdam and Tilly. Elect also the discussion of significant "gaps" and meanings in dispute, based on Chantal Mouffe, Ernesto Laclau and Iris Young to bring the idea of "perspectivism" in the analysis of social. Inspired by Max Weber, the research proposes a review of openness and democratization in the process of Brazilian society titled "New Republic", explicit connections between these events, which include the FHC and the call was "Lula" and the motivations They enabled the 2013, June´s events by typologies building resources; while we seek to identify the historical possibilities open. Advocate, along with other notes, about the Brazilian State's failure in its various levels, from democratization to the protests, in effect a promised welfare model of the 1988 Citizen Constitution as well as setting up a political system It allowed the persistence of practices and logics not compatible policies with social expectations as producers of the conditions for the troubled 2013, June´s events. These events ended up marked by confrontation and polarization that to destabilize the political system, has provoked character realigning effects conservative society and politics in spite original intentions of some agents. However, the social project remains open and in dispute, bringing to the stage of democracy the conflict between old and new subjectivities, relevant to traditional media and the alternatives.
2013 Junes demonstrations , Political confrontation , Collective action , Democracy , Democracia , Manifestações de junho de 2013 , Confronto político , Ações coletivas