Mandrake e o hard-boiled: questões de masculinidade(s) entre Rubem Fonseca e a literatura policial norte-americana

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Paradizzo, Felipe Vieira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Taking into consideration the important contribution of literary and cultural studies to the deepening of debate about North-American detective narratives, this study intends to assemble singularities, disconnections and contemporary masculinity issues associated with hard-boiled literature, aiming to substantiate an investigation of its influence in Rubem Fonseca‘s work. In order to do so, we take as a starting point the studies of hegemonic masculinities, by R.W. Connell and her commentators, and the analysis of three of the genre‘s founding fathers, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler and Jim Thompson. Considering the foundation of North-American detective novel, four works which has Mandrake as its main character will be analyzed : -O Caso F.A?, -Dia dos Namorados?, -Mandrake? and the novel A Grande Arte. Seeking to observe how the author utilizes the hard-boiled tradition and its implications in masculinities issues in order to create a work of enormous critical, stylistic and political potency.
PARADIZZO, Felipe Vieira. Mandrake e o hard-boiled: questões de masculinidade(s) entre Rubem Fonseca e a literatura policial norte-americana. 2011. 133 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2011.