Interseção psicanálise e saúde mental : o sujeito como bússola das in(ter)venções no autismo

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Imperial, Renata Coelho Tavares
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research aims to investigate the incidence of the psychoanalytical concept of subject in the autism clinic. The theoretical basis of this investigation is Lacanian oriented psychoanalysis, in its commitment to keep Freudian theory and clinical practice alive, which implies the “focus on the subject”. Thus, one begins this dissertation, in Chapter 1, by circumscribing the concept of subject in Lacanian psychoanalysis. Specially, in his so called first teaching, insofar as, in this moment, the psychoanalyst is concerned with the process of subjective constitution, pivotal to the autism clinic. In this context, the subject is thought in its radical dependence to the structure of language and the realm of the Other. Next, in Chapter 2, one proposes to consider the subject in its articulation to the social, for, both to psychoanalysis and mental health, the reference to social bond is fundamental. Regarding psychoanalysis, social bond is approached from the perspective of Lacan’s Seminar 17: The other side of psychoanalysis (1969- 1970/1992). In the field of Brazilian public health, one resorts to documents from the State Department of Health. In this sense, one tries to contemplate the recent debates on the most adequate and efficient course of treatment for autistic patients, as well as to keep up with the conception of subject which appears in those texts. One verifies that psychoanalysis and mental health are both interested in the subject and that, despite the differences in the manner of conceiving it, this notions are surprisingly close to one another in the domain of child and juvenile mental health. Lastly, in Chapter 3, one takes into account the effects of the incidence of the concept of subject sustained by psychoanalysis, in its intersection with the aforementioned field of child and juvenile mental health, in a psychoanalytical praxis: a group of autistic children attended to in the Infantile Psychosocial Attention Centre of Vitória-ES in partnership with the Federal University of Espírito Santo. The guidelines that oriented the referred group work were grounded on psychoanalytical principles which aimed for a single purpose: to enable and to welcome the emergence of the subject. Each children was fostered in his/hers singularity, promoting the disclosure of subjectivity in the group. Furthermore, one stresses the incidence of the group work proposal in each of the three children who had been taken into care, highlighting the importance of the group experience in the singular. In present days, to emphasize the notion of subject is also a strategy to mark the political position of psychoanalysis in the Battle of autism, fought daily by psychoanalysts concerned by the autism clinic. Psychoanalysis considers the autistic child as a subject in becoming, in opposition to the perspective which proclaims he/she to be a disabled person. One concludes that the psychoanalyst working in a mental health public institution contributes, with his/hers act, to support the possibility of inventive practices which include both the singularity of each children labelled as autistic and that which they can offer to the social bond.
Psychoanalysis , Psicanálise , Mental health , Saúde mental infanto-juvenil , Clinic , Clínica , Autism , Autismo , Subjectivity , Sujeito