Projetos de vida na adolescência: um estudo no campo da ética e da moralidade

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Miranda, Fernanda Helena de Freitas
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research is about ethics and morality. Its aim is the investigation of the existence of life projects in adolescents identifying someone else s place in these projects. The projects mentioned were analyzed by the participants spontaneously. There were 24 adolescents from 15 to 20 years old divided by genre and social class. Semi- structured interviews were done using the clinic method proposed by Piaget (1926-s.d.; 1932/1994). The results prove that all of the adolescents have projects in life. Amongst the main results 87 aims divided into 5 categories were identified: 1) Properties 2) Relationships 3) Career 4) Academical Improvement 5) Other projects. Each justification of the reasons why these projects were mentioned was considered as Connected or Disconnected, terms that name the relation between the existence in another project in life. Connected projects are the ones which included other people, groups or institutions as protagonists. On the other hand, those that did not considered the existence of other people, groups or institutions were considered Disconnected. Out of 87 project justifications, 52% were Connected and 48% were Disconnected. The existence of life projects considered as Connected and Disconnected could means that moral and ethic values that allows social life are part of some projects in life for the adolescents, but not all of them.
Moral value , Ethics , Life projecs/aims in life , Adolescense , Juízo moral , Projetos de vida
MIRANDA, Fernanda Helena de Freitas. Projetos de vida na adolescência: um estudo no campo da ética e da moralidade. 2007. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2007.