O Patrimônio Camponês: Aspectos etnográficos de novas identidades rurais em Patrimônio da Penha, Caparaó Capixaba

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Almeida, Alexandre D'Avila de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Inserted in the context of contemporary movements to return to the countryside (Fugere Urbem), we sought to describe a neo-rural typology of idealist inspiration that has involved individuals of urban origin attracted by supposed comparative advantages of the rural universe, as seen in the district of Patrimony of Penha, Espírito Santo municipality of Divino de São Lourenço, Brazil. This location, chosen as the geographical area of the research, has stood out in recent decades due to the influx of people from Brazil and abroad in search of a lifestyle different from that of their urban roots. Here, we start from the premise that this transition to rurality attempts to construct a representation of the peasantry insofar as it proposes the resumption of various practices of vernacular communities, such as manual work and work with the land, community reciprocity, customs and religiously inspired beliefs, food with local products, simple clothing, rural architecture etc. However, the effectiveness of this identification with the peasant ethos would be open to question due to the lack of expression of the economic (the link with agricultural work) and cultural dimensions, historically attributed to the peasantry. Furthermore, the urban origin of these individuals could prevent their adaptation to the peasant universe due to a condition of prior reflexivity acquired in cities. Aiming to clarify these and other issues surrounding the genesis of this new agent, the local alternative rural public was approached as a case study in a descriptive and exploratory research carried out in the years 2021-2022. Through participant observation, ethnobiographies of the new inhabitants of the place and content analysis of the speeches, we sought to exhume the justifications for their displacement to rural areas, as well as the strategies used by these subjects to build a neo-peasant routine. The results highlighted the successes and difficulties of this utopian attempt to rescue the rural, which, despite its asymmetry in relation to the native peasant worldview, demonstrated to play an important role in the community articulation of the territory, both in the economic and cultural fields.
Neocamponês , Patrimonio rural , Economia simbólica , Gentrificação