Doutorado em Ciências Sociais
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2018
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Aprovado na 180ª Reunião do Conselho Técnico-Científico da Educação Superior (CTC-ES), realizada no período de 17 a 19 de outubro de 2018, em Brasília.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
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Submissões Recentes
- Item“Vai ter que aturar” mulheres-políticas-negras-faveladas na Alerj(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-23) Cunha, Mirila Greicy Bittencourt; Ribeiro, Adelia Maria Miglievich ;;;;; Rocha, Luciane de Oliveira ;;; Costa, Andrea Lopes da ;;; Brito, Simone Magalhães ;;; Sierra, Vania Morales;;; Carneiro, Sandra Maria Corrêa de Sá ;; thesis is oriented by the hypothesis: i. the entry of black women faveladas/peripherical in politics disturbs the “narcissistic pact” (BENTO, 2002) of white men, majority group in Brazilian representative democracy, heirs to the positions of power since the processes of the colonial enterprise; ii. the parliamentary activity of “women- politicians-black-faveladas”, as they are here defined, is a constant process of aquilombamento (NASCIMENTO, 2006; 2015) in the political-public sphere, that redefines it. It is proposed here a sociological analysis of the “way of making politics” presented by the Agenda Marielle Franco (INSTITUTO MARIELLE FRANCO, 2020), arranged in seven guidelines and practices, as an incitive and guide for the candidacy of black women. As is known, the councilwoman (vereadora) from Rio de Janeiro Marielle Franco was a victim of “political femicide” (SOUZA, 2020) in March 14, 2018. However, she left as a legacy another way of power organization, that we sought to verify in the activities of Dani Monteiro, Mônica Francisco and Renata Souza, her advisors, elected Federal Deputies (Deputadas Federais) in their first elections six months after the summary execution of their inspirational figure. As methodological strategy, parliamentary pronouncements were selected, made in pulpit of the plenary tribune of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) registered by shorthand, available on the institution’s website as “order of the day” and “discourse” (ordinary and extraordinary). With the keyword “Mariele Franco” 70 documents were filtered, of a total of 179, in the year 2019. Said speeches point, on one side, the Racist Sexist Political Violence[s] (VPSRs) (MATOS, 2019; 2021) and the confirmation of whiteness as means of domination (BENTO, 2002; CARDOSO, 2008; SCHUCMAN, 2012), on the other, the resistance of the “mulheres-negras-periféricas-faveladas”, by pronouncements, that also were escrevivências (EVARISTO, 2005; 2009; 2017; 2022). The motto of Marielle Franco’s first and only campaign, “I am because we are”, ubuntu, African proverb, echoes Brazil’s historical social construction, leaving explicit the racism, sexism, and classism that affect, until today, the public offices representative of institutional politics, confronted by them in the struggle for the decolonization of power capable of denouncing and challenging and the formal and exclusionary democracy
- ItemVulnerabilidade político-institucional: a complexa dimensão do risco de desastre(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-11) Silveira, Tânia Maria; Silva, Marta Zorzal e;;;;; Losekann, Cristiana;;; Vieira, Marcelo Martins;;; Lavalle, Adrian Gurza;;; Milanez, Bruno; are increasingly recurring at national and global levels. Vulnerability is a polysemic concept used in different fields of knowledge to understand specific problems. However, within the field of disaster studies, vulnerability is a specific problem whose study has been driven by the escalation of this phenomenon and its damaging effects on people, communities, systems and assets susceptible to hazards. This thesis investigates the causes of the failure of the Fundão dam in Mariana (MG) in 2015. It aims to identify the political-institutional factors and processes that exacerbated the conditions of vulnerability in the Samarco case. As a case study, it uses Robert Yin's (2005) concept as a methodological reference, as well as qualitative methods and techniques used in the social sciences. The theoretical proposition that reflected the set of research questions was based on the concept of politicalinstitutional vulnerability as a dimension of disaster risk. The institutional dimension of vulnerability encompasses both the context and the process by which institutions are weak in ensuring compliance with safety standards, or how they ignore their duty to ensure compliance with regulations to prevent, mitigate, and recover from the effects of a hazardous event. The findings of this thesis show that the Fundão dam collapse had devastating consequences. Political and institutional vulnerability exacerbated risk conditions, resulting in multiple impacts that persist over time. Samarco Mineração S.A. and its parent companies, Vale S.A. and BHP Billiton Brasil Ltda., expanded production beyond what was sustainable, disregarding laws and safety standards. At the institutional level, the research revealed omissions and shortcomings in regulations, as well as non-compliance with the rules established by public licensing and inspection bodies, which allowed the dam to operate without guaranteeing compliance with safety standards. The analysis of the context revealed challenges in the public governance of disaster risk and in the regulation of the negative externalities of iron ore mining. In summary, the thesis confirms the theoretical contributions in the disaster literature that vulnerability to disaster hazards is a complex and dynamic relational expression because it involves multiple interrelated factors. In other words, vulnerability is not an isolated concept. intrinsically connected to other elements such as the environment, infrastructure, communities, and social and political systems. It is complex because it cannot be reduced to a single cause or variable, and it is dynamic because it evolves over time. This means that disaster vulnerability is a multifaceted concept that requires a holistic and adaptive approach to minimize risks and adverse impacts.
- ItemPretas cervejeiras: uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre consumo e politização em práticas onlife(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-11) Maestri, Tiare Goulart; Dadalto, Maria Cristina;;;;; Oliveira, Osvaldo Martins de;;; Pavesi, Patrícia;;; Silva, Gleicy;;; Portilho, Fátima; thesis investigates consumption as an everyday practice, endowed with the potential to generate social change, highlighting the racial relations. In the beer scene, traditionally dominated by white men, black women face a diverse matrix of oppressions in contemporary times. The study sought to understand how the onlife practices of Pretas Cervejeiras enable them to transform the context, or contexts, in which they are inserted. This research argues that Pretas Cervejeiras, by incorporating ethical and politicized concerns into their everyday practices and by communicating through their bodily performances on digital platforms, play a crucial role in confronting the oppressions rooted in their own realities and the realities of others. This action transcends the individual scope, promoting the visibility and representation of black women in the beer scene, contributing to the deconstruction of broader oppressive structures. The methodological strategy adopted, drawing on the contributions of cartography (Passos, Kastrup, and Escóssia, 2009) and multisited ethnography (Marcus, 1995), describes the onlife (Floridi, 2015) practices and the organization of Pretas Cervejeiras in the digital environment. The thesis discusses colorism (Devulsky, 2021) and intersectionalities (Akotirene, 2019). It analyzes the politicization of consumption (Boström, Micheletti, and Oosterveer, 2019) and the Afro-entrepreneurship (Nascimento, 2020), and the resistance to systemic oppressions through the politicization of pleasure (Pinheiro-Machado and Scalco, 2022), considering the community created by Pretas Cervejeiras as a form of aquilombamento (Daniels, 2013). Pretas Cervejeiras create and support businesses that celebrate their culture and diversity, challenging dominant narratives and promoting inclusion. For them, consuming and engaging in the beer sector is not just an economic activity but a political act related to the affirmation of an identity. The politicization of consumption and entrepreneurship emerges as a response to systemic exclusion and marginalization. Their experiences reflect the politicization of pleasure, confronting social norms that marginalize the black female body. This pleasure, often denied or limited by classist, racist and sexist structures, finds in beer a means of expression and claim. Thus, these women break away from limiting social expectations of their bodies and redefine leisure and consumption spaces as political arenas.
- ItemQuando o tempo parou o Congado : rupturas culturais diante das mudanças temporais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-22) Arrebola, Daniel Luiz; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; thesis presented to the Social Sciences Program at the Federal University of Espírito Santo where I research, in the field of Anthropology of Time, the influence of time on sociocultural relations. The general aim of this research is, from a field exercise, to create a future scenario based on prospecting methodologies of Grumbach, Porter and Schwartz which, in turn, should dialogue with the anthropological analyzes of time and culture. In this thesis, I intend to approach new ways of carrying out ethnographic research with the use of methodologies not commonly used by anthropology, but which, however, have much to contribute to the Social Sciences by bringing the multidisciplinarity of knowledge to anthropological practices
- ItemPessoas em situação de rua e a questão da moradia : significados, sentidos e implicações na construção da cidadania e das políticas públicas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-06) Pereira, Sandra Mara; Losekann, Cristiana ; ; ; ; ; Robaina, Igor Martins Medeiros; ; ; Leal, Giuliana Franco ; ; ; Costa, Daniel De Lucca Reis; ; ; Natalino, Marco Antonio Carvalho ;; absence or impossibility of access to housing is a constituent element of “being homeless”. However, housing policy has occupied a marginal space within the policies of care for the homeless population in Brazil. In this sense, this research aims to study public housing policies for homeless people, taking as a starting point the understanding of the senses and meanings attributed to the social phenomenon “homeless” and the issue of “housing”, by managers, policy operators and the homeless– subjects of ongoing research. It is postulated that the symbolic dimension has significant impacts on the constitution of public policies. Therefore, investigating this dimension and how it impacts the development and daily practices of policies is an important exercise in the context of studies on the homeless and public policies. The emergence, still embryonic in the country, of the Housing First model, as opposed to the traditional care model, makes the research carried out even more timely. Within the methodological path, documentary research on policies for the homeless population stands out; carrying out semi-structured interviews with different research subjects and content analysis. As the National Policy for the Homeless Population established in 2009 is a federal regulation that is largely implemented at the municipal level, through co-financing and adherence by municipal managers, there is an important intersection between the national sphere – as a normative construction, and the municipal scope, where care for HP actually takes place. For this reason, the field research strategy was defined as carrying out interviews with subjects who experience the reality of the municipality of Vitória, capital of the state of Espírito Santo, as a possible way of accessing the senses and meanings produced by the subjects. That carry out, operationalize or relate to the homeless policy in their daily practice, as a proxy for a broader context. The research highlighted a disconnect between the social issue of the homeless and the issue of housing: the homeless interviewed stated the centrality of housing in their personal projects, they spoke of the desire to have a house of their own and rebuild their homes; however, housing for the homeless, in the view of professionals and managers, takes on another meaning and appears marginally in the policies of care for this segment