A complementariedade na PNAS : evolução das parcerias no município de Serra (ES) de 2001 a 2012

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Couto, Natalia de Paula
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study analyzes the evolution of partnerships in the implementation of the Social Assistance Policy in Serra, Espirito Santo (ES), in order to contribute to the discussion about complementarity of actions envisaged in the Brazilian National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS). This is a qualitative study, referenced in critical-dialectical method. The means were based on literature research and documentary research. The empirical data are from survey and reports analysis of the National Conference of Social Assistence; Plans and Municipal Management Reports in the area of social assistance; the agreement terms with entities established on 2013. The development of partnerships for implementation of PNAS is related to the national trend of focalization, decentralization and privatization of social policies. This helps us to understand this trend at the municipal level. The ideias who justifies the partnerships realization are related to the neoliberalism and the state reform and also with the perspective of strengthening social participation from the context of the debate preceding the conformation of the 1988 Constitution. The very historic of the assistence in Brazil shows that many of those entities already perform actions before Organic Law of the Social Assistence (LOAS) and are just adapting to the new legislation. In the City’s studied case, growth between 2001 and 2012 was 133.3%. We also observed that non-governmental entities have been established as the first form of provision of social assistance services. Most entities have a religious nature and acts in only one area of social protection. The research reinforces the importance of monitoring and partnerships assessment accomplished and the need for ensuring transparency and publicity of information in the social assistence area, in order to contribute to social control.
Neoliberalism , State Reform , Third Sector , Social Assistance , Complementarity , Partnerships , Reforma do Estado , Complementariedade , Parcerias , Política Nacional de Assistência Social