Representações do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio na revista Veja - 1998-2011

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Presotti, Karine
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research aims to investigate the representations of the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio ENEM (High School National Exam) shown by the magazine Veja, between 1998 and 2011, and their relation with the significance of the achievement and assessment of quality in education. The work broadens a look over the current history of education when it analyses the permanence and changes in representations and the strategies of the groups that participate in the struggle to define a model for quality in education, as well as in school culture. The study takes as its source the pedagogical reports and the norms of ENEM, and also the articles published by Veja, the weekly magazine which has the biggest circulation in Brazil. It analyses 78 articles of the magazine related to ENEM, 39 articles by Gustavo Ioschpe, a specialist in education from Veja, and also letters from readers about these texts and articles. The analysis is directed to the protocols of writing and representations weaved in the texts, seen as object of cultural circulation (CHARTIER, 1990). The study designs an analysis chart and a chart of recurrence of terms and words based on the categories of external assessment of education, quality in education, and the Charterian theoretical apport. Such methodological resources direct the look to the analysis of the discursive resources of texts which allows the understanding of the way by which the opinion journalism used by Veja constructs representations of reality by the way they present the quantitative data, the statistical resources, experiences of successes, and testimonies, which supposedly testify the neutrality of a truth revealed by these strategies. This works concludes that the representations of ENEM in Veja are strongly associated with the official representations presented from 1998 to 2011, calling the attention to its function as an inducer of the reformation of the high school syllabus proposed in 1998 (Resolution CEB/CNE # 03/98) and its significance as an external evaluation. The results shown, especially from 2006, with the publication of the school scores by the national Institute of Educational Studies and Researches (INEP), appear as indicators of educational quality, seen as an assessment of students proficiency. The research evidences a change in the representation of the Exam (ENEM) in 2011, which was and has been criticized for privileging subject matter contents, which would approximate it to the entrance exams and subvert its main purpose: to design a syllabus focused on the mastering of basic competences and abilities.
High school , Public policies , Press and education , Educational assessment , Enem , Ensino médio , Avaliação externa , Testes de larga escala
PRESOTTI, Karine. Representações do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio na revista Veja (1998-2011). 2012. 187 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, 2012.