Intensidade de eletricidade municipal: estudo de caso do Estado do Espírito Santo

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Almeida, Pedro Secchin de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This project aimed to develop a website for public consultation on the energy efficiency progress of the municipalities and regions of the state of Espírito Santo and their respective positions in the ranking of the effect of the Real Electricity Intensity. It is believed that this work can contribute to develop a virtuous competition between municipal and state public administrations and stimulate new investments in energy efficiency, also awakening the private initiative. In this work, an IDA - Index Decomposition Analysis (IDA) methodology was proposed to capture the Real Intensity effect, isolating possible distortions, such as the effect of activity and structure changes. The mathematical method employed was the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) Method, as it is the most indicated in the literature for its flexibility and lower error component. The website was built with the Google Data Studio application because of its facilities in spreadsheet database connection, online updating, sharing and presentation of data as a dashboard. The state of Espírito Santo and its main microregions were analyzed, highlighting its most relevant municipalities, namely: South Coast with the best performance, Rio Doce with the worst performance and Metropolitana, as it is the most relevant in electricity consumption and VA (Value Added to GDP). Finally, it was found that, in general, Espírito Santo presented a worsening in its Real Electricity Intensity justified by the reduction of the structure effect, where more energy intensive sectors (industrial) lost representativeness in the economy for sectors with lower consumption of electricity.
Intensidade real de eletricidade , Eficiência energética , LMDI , Espírito Santo , Energy efficiency , Real electricity intensity