A expansão da rede federal de educação, profissional, científica e tecnológica: uma análise do Estado do Espírito Santo

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Freitas,Thiago Monteiro de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In the past years the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (EPCT) has been going through the biggest expansion of its history,stressing the professional education role in the personal development and in the citizenship’s formation. This growth must be monitored continuously so the provided services follow economy,efficiency and effectviness standards. A quality measurement manner of institutions is the use of performance indicators, they are management tools that ease the administration transparency collaborating with the supervision by society at large. This is the reflection of an intense transformation that has been modernizing the public segment. Due to this situation, this paper has conducted a quantitative-descriptive research with the objective of evaluate the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES) performance level from the indicators perception established by Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU). The results pointed out that there is a difficulty in the campi’s quality evaluation through the performance indicators. This conclusion is due to the fact that the certain tools by TCU don’t allow performance full definition of Federal Institutes since they are formed by high aggregation of heterogeneous data and those institutions have considerable profiles and specificity diversity. In general, it was intended with this research to contribute with the IFES managers and with the expansion politic for subsequent periods
Expansão da Rede Federal. , Indicadores de desempenho. , Nova gestão pública.