O cotidiano como promotor de vínculos : o caso da USF Santa Martha, Vitória-ES

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Silva, Rachel Cristine Diniz da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study had as objective to analyze the relations, constructed throughout last the three years, among the professionals of the USF St. Martha (USF-Family Health Units), Vitória-ES and the population it belongs to its territory that is delimited, aiming at to identify if the available services meet the needs of health of this population, and if this service is configured as a gateway to the health system. For achievement of the objectives it adopts the qualitative approach, therefore it values the opinion and it catches the particularities of the relations constructed between the different characters who constitute this plot. It uses interview with haltf-structured script, individual and collective, analyzed through the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse (DSC), allowing evidence of thinking expressed in a discourse of a set of citizens on a particular subject. It composes the DSC five professionals, seven communitarian health agents and fourteen users of that service. The analysis showed that the unit has been configured as a gateway for access to services of the health system; even so the net of services is not yet articulated in a way to guarantee integrally the take care of to the necessities of health of this population, when these require a higher level of complexity. The presence of the ESF in this territory, though initially has generated conflicts with the population, that desired in the truth an soon-attendance service, currently has received a good evaluation by the users, who report that the connection established by the daily relation, the knowledge about the family and the environment in which they live, favors one better understanding on the part of the professionals on its necessities of health and consequently in the resolution of the same ones. Still speaking of connection, users mention the ACS (Community Health Agents) as an important link with the health unit; therefore with the ESF (Strategy for Family Health) they started to have 'someone' to talk on its necessities. The process of shelter instituted in this unit, covering all its schedule of functioning, also comes facilitating the access of the users, mainly in the take care of the urgencies, although its current configuration not yet to be adequate, causing certain dissatisfaction such a way on the part of the professionals as of the population, who also make improvement proposals. Finishing, its is observed that the ESF (Strategy for Family Health) they started to have 'someone' to talk on its necessities. The process of shelter instituted in this unit, covering all its schedule of functioning, also comes facilitating the access of the users, mainly in the take care of the urgencies, although its current configuration not yet to be adequate, causing certain dissatisfaction such a way on the part of the professionals as of the population, who also make improvement proposals. Finighing, it is observed that the ESF, through its principles, has a new look on the population of a territory, so that people also feel safer to have a professional reference that can appeal, however, as all that is new, it is required some adjustments, mainly in the processes of work and joint of the service nets, so that effectively it has on the part of the ESF contribution for the improvement of the quality of life of the population.
Family health , Primary health care , Access to health services , Saúde da família , Atenção primária à saúde , Acesso aos serviços de saúde
SILVA, Rachel Cristine Diniz da. O cotidiano como promotor de vínculos : o caso da USF Santa Martha, Vitória-ES.. 2009. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Coletiva) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, 2009.