Mulheres negras e circulação na arte contemporânea capixaba: instituições, exposições e trajetórias

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Galacha, Maria Luíza Teixeira Ramos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This text presents reflections on the artistic system of Espírito Santo and the circulation of Afro-descendant artists, with a focus on women. Therefore, for this analysis, considerations about circulation systems are based on authors such as Bourdieu and Foucault, and, in the case of women, the Brazilian and Espírito Santo context, as well as the ethnic-racial issue, with authors such as Griselda Pollock, Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, Patricia Hill Collins, Lélia Gonzalez, Janaína Barros, among others. Characteristics and issues related to the system in the capital of Espírito Santo, more precisely in the Center of Vitória, are highlighted, using as a reference to understand the local artistic system, the studies conducted by Almerinda Lopes in her book Artes Plásticas no Espírito Santo (2012). In the analysis, four actions-exhibitions are situated that function as anti-racist devices and worked with an intersectional team, that is, black women, among them artists, educators, mediators, and curators: Projeto Raiz Forte (2012) and the exhibitions “Horizonte” (2013), “Malungas” (2018), and “Erù-Iyá” (2021). After these points, the need to think about the post-contemporary and new strategies based on the artistic and academic productions that have been carried out on Afro-Brazilian themes, which impose a process of criticism and self-criticism in institutions, is recorded at the end of this research. This last approach is debated with the help of Françoise Vergès (2023), and contemporary curators who think about the otherness of institutional relations.
Sistema artístico capixaba , Artistas negras , Arte e intersseccionalidade