Reapropriação sustentável da natureza como via possível de reencantamento do mundo

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Milanez, Priscila Rocha
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The environmental crisis that plagues the contemporary world is analyzed in this work as an emblematic and convincing expression of the crisis of modernity. The theoretical path we undertake in order to understand this crisis comes from the Weberian notion of disenchantment of the world, and relies on the consideration that it is the result of a particular model of rationality formed in modernity, as pointed by Leff (2005). From this point of view we are able to question reflexively new ways of reframing and sustainable reappropriation of nature that are expressed in nonhegemonic practices of appropriating and realizing just how far they are (or not) as a way to re-enchantment of the world. The notion of re-enchantment of the world, here referred to, is defined as granting the existence of other senses through the redefinition of the relationship between human beings and nature, which are expressed in non-hegemonic forms of appropriation of this resource and are based on new ethical principles . We hope to find in vegetarian/ vegan movements empirical contribution to this reflection.
disenchantment of the world , re-enchantment , desencantamento do mundo , sustainability , reencantamento , reframing , ressignificação , sustainable reappropriation , reapropriação sustentável , vegetarian/vegan , vegetarianismo/veganismo