Dengue : situação ambiental e dimensão geográfica em 2011, 2012 e 2013 - Vila Velha/ES

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Pinto, Hudson Pereira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Dengue is an arboviral disease caused by one of the four types of virus identified, most commonly in countries with tropical climate due to the fostering of proliferation of its vector, happens in Brazil continuously and presents epidemic periods. In Espirito Santo state the Metropolitan region presents the highest rates of transmission of this diease. Therefore this dissertation proposed identifying the dengue fever risk areas, in Vila Velha county, searched for the relation between the larval rates and the types of real state (houses and non occupied land), making an analysis of the data and producing theme maps, having the range of research between January of 2011 and March of 2013. The study was ecological with treatment of spacial analysis using as database: notifications (dengue fever incidence rate) and components of LIRAa (Buidings Infestation Rate and Breteau Rate). For the statistical analysis was used the SPSS 17, for the association, the correlation test by Spearman, where it was stipulated in 5% the level of significance. It was found correlation of moderate power to the Breteau Rate and Buildings Infestation Rate in relation to the real state houses in 2011, this being statisticaly meaningful, in 2012 the incidence rate presented correlation to weak power, not presenting correlation to the other rates. Dengue fever incidence in 2011 and 2012 happened in all regions of the county, this presenting, medium and high rates of incidence of the disease. The inefficiency of the larval rates to the correlation with the types of real state was verified, this study presented limitations that can be fixed by other types of studies, that take in consideration the mosquito in its adult stage
Dengue , Larval Rate , Mapping , Dengue , Índices Larvários , Mapeamento