Experiência sensível na educação infantil : um encontro com a arte

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Uliana, Dulcemar da Penha Pereira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The research is subject to small child in an institution of Early Education and investigates the formation processes mediated by sense experience with the visual arts. Kindergarten is a place of interaction, the banter and aesthetics, sensitive education. Problematize the space of literacy in school, restricted the ownership of verbal language, writing. Through intervention proposes a link between the child, their culture and their environment, suggesting a closer contact with the muitiplas language and aesthetic education. Investigate Early Childhood Education as the place of experience, the fun and the formation of the human being in its entirety, which is not limited to literacy guided the verbal language and the fragmentation of knowledge. The research was conducted in a Childhood Education in Vitória / ES, located in Jardim da Penha. The public of the childhood education are six months to five years children, divided into groups according to age. The active participation of the researcher in routine research institution directed us to a dialogue with action research, a type of qualitative research that reveals itself in action and speech, according to Barbier (2007). Seeks to observe the possible effects of this aesthetic experience daily in children, how they affect and generate dialogues with the school community and family. Is based on the concepts of experience, perceived as an aesthetic experience, and the visual language as a form of communication, in discussions of Vygotsky (2010), Duarte Júnior (2001) and Bakhtin (2010). Search recognizes the child as an active subject in line with the contributions of the sociology of childhood, expressed in thought Sarmento (2008). The child as a social being, playful, full rights, able to live and reframe social and individual experiences, we approach the thought of Benjamin (1987), who in his philosophical writings reveals the concept of a universal childhood and Giorgio Agamben (2005) on childhood and experience. With Angel Pino (2005) we discussed the creation of man as a cultural being and support our studies authors perform a reflection on the child and childhood as Ribes (2012). Presents art as a field of knowledge capable of forming and inserting the child in his cultural milieu, providing a broader knowledge of the world and society in which it operates. Followed four moments, which promoted the approach to artistic expressions of children through visits to exhibition spaces and the presence of the Visual Artist, Potter and Professor Regina Rodrigues in the educational space. Analyzes the processes of interaction and the expression of children compared to the experience with art. Research has shown us the importance of educational institution is open to the city, causing the children's perception of belonging to places of culture, leisure and other places that comprise it. The arrival at the museum and the playful interaction of children with the spaces, with the works, with different environments and with mediators emerged as potent material knowledge.
Child , Childhood , Early childhood education , Sensitive education , Aesthetic education , Educação sensível , Educação estética , Educação infantil