Negócios públicos, riquezas privadas: o escândalo dos "anões do orçamento" (1993-1994)

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Laranja, Anselmo Laghi
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The present study examines the issue of political corruption in Brazil. We intend to demonstrate that corruption reaches endemic levels in Brazil due to a cultural trait that makes people unable to distinguish the public from the private, which is a legacy from the Portuguese patrimonial State. We analyze in depth the “budget dwarves” affair, a great corruption scheme that involved Parliament members, members of the Executive and private companies in frauds in the National Budget. Such frauds were investigated by a Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, held by the National Congress in the years of 1993 and 1994. By using as research sources the final report presented by the Inquiry Committee, around six hundred articles from the Folha de São Paulo newspaper and bibliographical review, we attempted to define ethics and corruption, delineating parameters to analyze the affair. We also attempted to reveal the identity of the State in Brazil so as to understand why corruption levels are so high in this country. The results of such attempts were related to the affair in question so as to conform it to the assistentialist culture that prevails in Brazilian politics.
Finanças públicas - Corrupção
LARANJA, Anselmo Laghi. Negócios públicos, riquezas privadas: o escândalo dos "anões do orçamento" (1993-1994). 2005. 197 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2005.