O programa de crédito estudantil "Bom na escola" : estudo sobre uma política social de geração de renda e redução dos índices de reprovação e evasão

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Fraga, Elizângela Ribeiro
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study aimed to evaluate the program "Bom na Escola", established by the municipality of Serra, Espírito Santo, in 2007 and its objectives regarding the reduction of dropout rates and school failure. The program "Bom na Escola" is characterized as a minimum income program conditional on education and provides students with the amount of $ 100.00 (one hundred dollars) at the end of fourth grade and eighth grade at the end of those who are approved and obtain a frequency of 90%. From the historicizing of minimum income programs and their connection with the reform of the state, could better contextualize the "Bom na Escola." The methodology was a case study in which we seek to demonstrate the impacts of the program in schools. We researched the various subjects of two schools in the region José de Anchieta in the city. During the search we realized that the program at first was sent to the Board by the mayor, but from the disclosure in the media was able to participate, even at minimum levels, civil society organizations. With the intervention of civil society, the program's focus has changed: before the focus was on failure, with the changes the focus concentrated on avoidance. The program went into effect in 2007, however it is still unknown to many school subjects. Students and parents know the program or had little information about it. This made the expected results were not achieved because the program does not live in school, not part of day-to-day life of teachers and students. What keeps students in school and ensure the frequency is the "Pro-school" program developed in a partnership school and the Childhood and Youth. We realize that the goals of tax evasion and failure are not being achieved. However relations with local businesses are very narrow which leads us to believe that the program has served more to the concerns of trade than to educational aspirations
Minimum wage , State reform , Education , Education policy , “Bom na Escola” , Renda mínima , Reforma do Estado , Educação , Políticas educacionais , Pobreza