A educação das relações étnico-raciais no ensino de História em uma escola no Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo

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Bernardes, João Paulo Ribeiro
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Twenty years after the promulgation of the Law n° 10.639/03, which amended the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education n° 9.394 de 1996, and established the mandatory teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, it is necessary to analyze the progress made and the challenges in face of the constitution of antiracist practices developed during this period. In this way, this research aims to investigate the processes of implantation and implementation of Law n° 10.639/03 in History Teaching in a state school in the municipality of Alegre, in the state of Espírito Santo. For the theoretical basis of our work, we are backed by the contributions of Gomes (2005, 2007, 2012), Munanga (1994, 2003, 2005, 2020), Almeida (2015, 2021) and Gonçalves e Silva (2000) in order to elaborate discussions about racial relations and the education of black people in Brazil, while from Sacristán (2000, 2013), Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (1999), Bernardino-Costa (2002, 2009, 2015), Ballestrin (2013), Bittencourt (2008, 2018), Felipe (2020, 2021) and Adichie (2019) we reflected on what is understood by curriculum, History Teaching, and teaching practices from a decolonial perspective. For this purpose, we developed qualitative and case study research. For the production of data, we chose documentary consultation, the observation, the semi-structured interview and a field diary. For data analysis, we opted for content analysis in an attempt to understand the social meanings present in the educational practices developed by the subjects in the school context. It was possible to observe that, 20 years after its enactment, Law 10.639/03 is implemented in the curriculum of the State Department of Education, in the general guidelines of the curricular proposal and in some contents foreseen for the History Teaching, but in a superficial way. With the implantation of the curriculum of competencies and skills proposed by the BNCC, the education of excellence is replaced by the education of sufficiency, which has led to a fragility in the implementation of Law n° 10.639/03 at school. In addition, we noticed that the dynamics of external assessments undermined the implementation of Law n° 10.639/03 by diluting the education of ethnic-racial relations (ERER) in the introduction of European History content. With regard to the PPP is concerned, we realize that the Law is present in the document, however only one Integrative Project was focused on Erer, out of a total of five. Furthermore, this project was based on the four pillars of education (learning to be, to live together, to know and to do), which contributed to the superficiality of the implementation of the Law. Regarding the knowledge about Erer on the part of History teachers and managers, we observed that only one teacher had knowledge about the Law. The other participants had minimal or stereotyped knowledge of the legislation analyzed. With regard to the process of implementation of the legislation in history teaching practices, we identified difficulties of teachers in getting involved with Erer. However, we also glimpsed possibilities for this materialization to occur from other narratives and actions that seek to break with the Eurocentric discourse, starting from the constitution of practices in the decolonial perspective. In addition, we noticed the presence of racist practices in social relations in the school environment masked as jokes, but we also identified school practices that influenced the construction of the identity of black students in a positive way, through the appreciation of Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture.
Educação das relações étnico raciais , Ensino de História , Currículo , Historiografia Capixaba