Adolescente em conflito com a lei : uma análise dos discursos dos operadores jurídico-sociais em processos judiciais

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Sartório, Alexsandra Tomazelli
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This dissertation deals with the interface between the social issue and the legal issue in the context of the adolescent who answered a due process law. This study aims to analyses the discourse of the legal-social operators in five due process law of the Serra and Vila Velha youth and Childhood Judgeship of the. The social issue and the historical building of the rights of adolescents in conflict with the law had been configured as the theoretic referential. We analyzed the discourses of the judge, public prosecutor, lawyer or counsel for indigents, social work of UNIP, technician of the Court and the professionals of program LAC. After successive readings of the material the data had been analyzed using the referential of the analysis of discourse. The data were organized and presented in the follow way: the history of each adolescent and his/her passage in the legal process; the discourses of the instauration and proceeding of the legal process; discourses for application of the social-educative actions; discourses to execute the social-educative actions and finally the discourses of the final proceeding of the legal process analyzing each one of these parts. As a result was evidenced that in the initial phase of the legal process the expressions of the social matter had been occulted taking advantage the legal issue. The situation of breaking rights of the adolescents and the social circumstances of their evolvement in the practice of infraction was not considered. And the protection to the adolescents through the social-educative action was not sued at law. In the phase of application of the social-educative action we verify a low influence of the discourses of the others legal-social operators and a high influence of the discourses of the magistrate and public prosecutor. The families of the adolescents almost were not mentioned in the audience and in the proceeding of the legal tram. We verify in the phase of execution of the social-educative that the educative process was not reach. It happened because of the lack of systematization in the attendance, the lack of attention to the social necessities of the adolescents and their families and the consequent absence of insertion of them in programs of social inclusion, implying in the strong presence of the sanction and punitive character. The speech of the social reinsertion of the adolescent through the school and the work was evidenced. The data had proven the lack of mediation between rights and public policy and demonstrated that the adolescent in conflict with the law is dealt in a way that stressing the figure of the infractor and overcast the figure of the adolescent citizen in peculiar condition of development. In the final phase of the legal process we verify a legal system whose performance in prominence was of the public prosecutor and the magistrate what indicated that they conducting the process, demonstrating the prevalence of the legal issue. It was concluded that the content of the social matter was enunciated in the legal-social discourses in a non polity way showing that the guilt of the infraction is only of the adolescents and their families. The legal social-educative action is not integrate and do not promote an efficient educative process. Finally we conclude that o ECRIAD was set in motion about periods and rites and was completely ignored about the social rights and the educative aspects of the social-educative actions.
Statute of the Child and Adolescent , Adolescent in conflict with the law , Social Issue , Discourse , Educative System , Punitive System , Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente , Adolescente em conflito com a lei , Questão Jurídica , Processo Judicial , Discurso , Medidas Sócio-Educativas , Sistema Sócio-Educativo , Sistema Punitivo