A recepção adorniana de Freud no estudo da personalidade autoritária

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Campanharo, Claudiana
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Mostly, the tradition of metaphysical thought understands that in the historical development of the reason there is a progress. The existence of the progress requires the sacrifice of the individual throughout history. The philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno makes a critical examination of the process of enlightenment lived in the Western civilization. Adorno's studies show that the association between “progress” and sacrifice of individuality results in less human conditions. Thus, Adorno shows the moments of irrational preserved in the rationalized society and that threaten the civilizing process. In this paper, we investigate the influence of Sigmund Freud at the thought of Adorno. We hold that Adorno's reading of Freud is essential to the explanation of the subjective factors of the authoritarian personality. We defend that Adornian's reading of Freud is essential to the explanation of the subjective factors of the authoritarian personality. However, the subjective reason can't explain for complete the causes of the authoritarian character. Therefore, in the first chapter, we present the Marxian assumptions of objective reason. Furthermore, we show the relationship between subjective and objective reason. In the second chapter, we seek to understand Freud's theory and pointed out how their categories manifest objective conditions marked by Adorno. In the third chapter, we examine the Marxian interpretation realized by Adorno about the psychological determinants that favor the manifestation of the authoritarian character. Finally, we discussed the results of Adorno's reception of Freud.
Dominação da natureza interna , Objective reason , Razão objetiva , Subjective reason , Razão subjetiva , Domination of inner nature , Princípio de prazer , Pleasure principle , Sacrifício , Caráter autoritário , Sacrifice , Authoritarian character