A construção de conhecimentos científicos nas aulas de física utilizando atividades investigativas

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Silva Júnior, João Mauro da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In this work we present a proposal for the Modern Physics teaching, specifically the photoelectric effect, in a teaching investigative perspective, developed during the latter half of 2014, in two groups, with a total of 58 students of the second year High School Federal Institute of Education (IFES) - campus Colatina, Espírito Santo (ES). The study, of qualitative nature, whose main source of research analyzing the construction of scientific concepts process in physics classes, based on the teaching investigative perspective. The methodology and resources used are grounded in education theory research and socio-cultural theory of Vygotsky, whose important point the social relations established by students and their role in shaping their learning. We built a Investigative Unit of education with activities that include open questions, computer simulation and investigative demonstration. Data collection was processed during the performance of activities by the students, in which we had written and oral productions and some classes recorded in audio and video to investigate the development of these activities. We use audio recordings and video to analyze how was the construction of scientific knowledge and both procedural as attitudinal student learning. The assessment made is that the scientific knowledge construction process students bring with them their social and cultural relations everyday concepts to your speech, and the appropriation of scientific concepts by students challenging in science classes, in which the teacher should seek the inclusion of students in scientific culture as a way to more culture, besides those that the student already possesses, and the investigative perspective shows good potential to guide this insertion.
Inquiry , Effect electric photo , Ensino por investigação , Conceptual learning, attitudinal and procedural , Efeito fotoelétrico , Construção do conhecimento , Aprendizagem procedimental e atitudinal , Aprendizagem conceitual, atitudinal e procedimental