A prisão no capitalismo dependente : encarceramento massivo de negros no Brasil

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Lemos, Carolyne Santos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In this dissertation, are contained the results of the research related to the massive incarceration of blacks in Brazil. This dynamic could not be explained without considering slavery as the historical variable responsible for the perpetuation of asymmetric racial relations in Brazilian society. The process of hardening of penalties was accompanied by neoliberalism, through which social policies were reduced by the State, which prioritized the incorporation of the Zero Tolerance Policy in the fight against crime. This policy was structured in North American soil and propagandized to the countries of Latin America, which incorporated it into its public security actions, in total disproportionate to the social, economic and political peculiarities typical of peripheral economies. We find that the torture faced by the negro between the walls of the jail is matched by the degrading conditions of life outside the prison walls. The liberal capitalist conformation is nourished by the inequalities present in the race relations, this proves that the obtaining of rights does not constitute the door of entrance so that the blacks are exempted of treatments based on race.
Structural heterogeneity , Criminal Status , Racism , Dependent capitalism , Massive incarceration , Heterogeneidade Estrutural , Estado Penal , Racismo , Capitalismo dependente , Encarceramento massivo