Constituição de comunidades locais de prática profissional: contribuições para a construção de um currículo integrado no curso técnico na modalidade de EJA

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Jordane, Alex
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research arose mainly from my concerns about the effectiveness of an integrated curriculum, as proposed to the Technical Courses Integrated with Basic Education in the form of Youth and Adult Education at the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - Ifes. Such courses were linked to the National Program for Integration of Vocational Education with Basic Education Modality Youth and Adult Education – Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional com a Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (Proeja). In this work, I understand the integrated curriculum as a process in which general education must be an inseparable part of professional education in the fields where there is a preparation for work. By focusing on work as an educational principle, direct it to overcome the dichotomy manual labor / intellectual work, general education / education for work, thought / action, theory / practice, and aim for the training of workers able to act as leaders and citizens. The epistemological trodden path began with the theoretical basis from which Proeja from the latest research, developed in Brazil by authors like Marise Nogueira Ramos, Gaudêncio Frigotto and Maria Ciavatta, especially in matters related to vocational training, to their bases, as discussed by Paulo Freire and the Italian Antonio Gramsci. But immersed in this harvest field came the time that other references were necessary, as the theory of Communities of Practice, supported primarily by Etienne Wenger and Jean Lave’s research, but rearranged by authors like Cristina Frade, Peter Winbourne, Konstantinos Tatsis and Anne Watson. Also, I searched for new lenses to help me better understand the processes of formation of the integrated curriculum. This movement led to the question that guides this research: How the characteristics of communities of practice that arise in a classroom of Technical Course Buildings with Integrated Basic Education in the form of Youth and Adult Education can help in the building process of an integrated curriculum? I worked with the idea that each of the curriculum components, focusing on subjects, is characterized as a community of local practice. Then I have seen myself the possibility of breaking the boundaries of each community, towards the establishment of a Local Community of Professional Practice. Among the most significant issues highlight: a dialogical perspective, based on the work of some teachers, seeking to engage students at all times; special attention to the experiences by students, both in school settings, as outside them, encouraging and creating situations favorable for the development of the autonomy of learners, the use of activities that encourage students to explore new paths and territories, ensuring the continuity of the process so they can develop shared practices and seek ways to organize conflicting perspectives and discourses of multiple styles; the emergence of new practices or practical limits, causing a reorganization within communities, as they introduce students to issues that are part of other communities in which they are inserted, and finally the consideration that the integration process has as its protagonist leading the student himself.
Currículo integrado , Comunidades de prática , EJA