A atuação do pedagogo em abrigos do município de Vitória/ES

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Pereira, Pâmela Rodrigues
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study aims at examining the work of teachers in institutions of shelters in the city of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, and from this analysis, unveiling the field work of teachers in this area, expand the theoretical framework that deals with the formation pedagogue, investigate, through listening to students finalists, if the curriculum of the Education Course - 2006 version offers theoretical and methodological bases to qualify this professional acting in such institutions. This is a qualitative research approach, with a case study of the ethnographic, cultural-historical perspective. To which makes use of procedures such as participant observation, document analysis and interviews. Defines how the locus of study Education Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo and five shelters in the city of Vitória-ES members of the Project Viva Life, Faith and Joy Foundation, contracted by the Municipality of Vitória- ES through the Secretariat Municipal Social Welfare. Highlights the possibilities and results of resizing and restructuring of the curriculum of the Education Course for training in non-school contexts. In the specific case shelters, points out that there is a need to discuss and learn more about this field, since children and teenagers who are bespoke shelter are also students.
Initial training , Pegagogue , Institution under , Formação inicial , Instituição de abrigo