Quando o tempo parou o Congado : rupturas culturais diante das mudanças temporais

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Arrebola, Daniel Luiz
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Doctorate thesis presented to the Social Sciences Program at the Federal University of Espírito Santo where I research, in the field of Anthropology of Time, the influence of time on sociocultural relations. The general aim of this research is, from a field exercise, to create a future scenario based on prospecting methodologies of Grumbach, Porter and Schwartz which, in turn, should dialogue with the anthropological analyzes of time and culture. In this thesis, I intend to approach new ways of carrying out ethnographic research with the use of methodologies not commonly used by anthropology, but which, however, have much to contribute to the Social Sciences by bringing the multidisciplinarity of knowledge to anthropological practices
Antropologia do tempo , Metodologia de prospecção , Cultura popular , Congados , Dores do Indaiá