Patativa do Assaré e a identidade sertaneja: oralidade, memória e religiosidade

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Leonardeli, Poliana Bernabé
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Patativa do Assaré stands out as a poet by presenting a significant feature in the literature: steal a memory co school building and, through it, an identity Sertaneja. Through his memory the poet translates parts of northeastern culture, preventing them from falling into oblivion. Moreover, his poetry stands out as a cry for justice that the call not to fight and the social and political involvement. It, therefore, the power to redeem the past, prepare your ears for new ways of the future. On that view, he does a route from within the context of the author whose popular poetic style predominate in your work, and soon after, we analyzed the presence of erudite culture and mass culture in its context of literary production.
Popular culture , Orality , Cultura popular , Memory , Memória , Nordestina identity , Identidade nordestina
LEONARDELI, Poliana Bernabé. Patativa do Assaré e a identidade sertaneja: oralidade, memória e religiosidade. 2009. 109 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2009.