Construindo o pensamento filogenético na educação básica : materiais didáticos e formação para professores

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Lima, Marcela Miranda de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research aimed to contribute to the insertion of phylogenetic systematics in the initial formation of Biological Sciences licensed. For this, Vygotsky and Shullman's theoretical perspectives were used. The research was developed within the methodological proposal of the action research and divided into two stages: (1) Development and evaluation of teaching materials for teaching phylogenetic systematics; (2) Development and evaluation of the impact of a specific action (Workshop) aimed at the formation of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for phylogenetic systematics. The research instruments were the application of questionnaires and semi-structured interview. The "Tree of Life" material was developed and evaluated, consisting of: (1) "Building the tree of life", kit for the assembly of three-dimensional cladograms with the possibility of rotating axes and (2) "Tree of Life Quiz" for reviewing concepts in phylogenetic systematics. Both the three-dimensional kit and the game aroused the interest of the students, who got involved in the subject. The materials were well accepted, both by the teacher regent of the class and scholarship recipients of the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarships, and by the students. In turn, the workshop developed improved students' general understanding of phylogeny, which can be seen not only by the students' evaluations in the conceptual questionnaires, but also by their comments and reactions. In addition, the workshop influenced the predisposition of these future teachers to approach the subject, and at the end of the workshop, almost all the participants said they feel prepared or partially prepared to work with high school students. Thus, we consider that the use of three-dimensional materials, the approach of teaching the most common errors of the students, besides the explanation of the importance of the subject in the classes and the presentation of the cladograms as tools are important points to be considered in the teaching of phylogenetic systematics for undergraduate students in Biological Sciences, which will in future address the subject in basic education.
Phylogenetic systematics , Pedagogical knowledge of content , ​​​​​​​Courseware , Teachers , Formation , Material didático , Filogenia , Ensino , Aprendizagem , Sistemática filogenética , Conhecimento pedagógico de conteúdo
LIMA, Marcela Miranda de. Construindo o pensamento filogenético na educação básica: materiais didáticos e formação para professores. 2019. 173 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2019.